could not see His meaning and they were so occupied with the bread and butter question that they supposed He was reproving them for not taking a lunch basket along. How could they he blind to the fact that He was able to supply their need when He had twice fed the multitudes. They were in dan- ger of the leaven of the Pharisees, a formalism which would destroy their heart life and of the leaven of the He- rodians which would hinder their spirit- ual growth. They were in grave danger of Spiritual blindness. 3. "The man was blind." The Lord took him apart and opened his eyes—- not all at once, but gradually. In do- ing this, Jesus gave the disciples another helpful sign. H^ is the Light of the world. Blind Pharisees may see if they are willing to acknowledge His claims as the Messiah, IN SOUTHERN ALASKA October 13. Isa. 43: 5, 7 1. Use a map of Alaska, if only that of a transportation company. Question as to location, size, climate, products, employments, foods. Point Barrow to S'itka is farther than from Main to Florida. 3. God turns the Japan Current on Southern Alaska to give grass and flow- ers instead of snow and ice; and gives to that cold region the finest scenery on earth. Though there is much rain and fog, there is also much sun, blue sky, and long perfect days, bright and glad with birds and flowers. 4. Whence the people came no one knows. They look like Japanese; use umbrellas like those of New Zealand, and picture writing like that of the Aztecs of South America, wihle their folk lore (stories) seem of Hebrew origin. They write their family his- tories on "Totem" poles, beginning with the animal from which they descend- ed ( ! ). There are 30,000 of these strange people. They travel by canoes and dog sleds. Why? 5. Their religion was that of devil worship. Of devils they lived in daily terror, and sought to please them by hideous and painful rites. Their boys and girls were in constant dread of being sold into slavery by their heart- less and cruel parents. This wretched state of things' is now changed, and
If they will not come to Him for light, they must forever walk in the darkness and their eternal condemnation will be that light came into the world but that they loved darkness rather than light— because their deeds were evil. Rejec- tion- of truth implies darkness and the anguish of His soul is seen as He cries in His distress, "How often would I have gathered thee but ye would no t "—"The light shineth in the darkness but the darkness comprehendeth it not." Blind disciples will see men as trees walking, unless they are willing to yield their wills and surrender their sluggish hearts to Him as Lord and Master. He is the light of the world. Men may walk in the full blaze of its glorious radiance if they will. If we walk in the light as He is in the light we can walk in full fellowship with Him and with the Father. Oh, the folessedhess of the Light of Life. many of them are devout Christians, and all are becoming civilized. This happy change is due to the Gospel and the missionaries. The honored names of Sheldon Jackson, Mrs. McFarland, S. Hall Young, and others, the pioneers in this good work, go down in fragrant memory to the generations to come. The Friends, Episcopalians, Congrega- tionalists, Presbyterians, and other churches have had a share in carrying the news of salvation to that far north- land. If you could see the happy and intelligent faces of the boys and girls in the Alaska mission schools, you would know that they have lost their fears and become followers of Jesus, .and coming teacehrs, leaders, and min- isters of the people. Acts 2:21. THE LAST SUPPER Oct. 20; Mk. 14:12-26 1. Jerusalem was crowded with pil- grims come up to the feast. It was a great yearly festival. For its' origin see Ex. 12 and 13. Jesus sent Peter and John into the city to find and prepare a place to eat the supper. They were offered "a large upper room," and there they laid the feast. 2. Jesus said He had long desired to eat that Passover with them. It signi- fied the death which He would suffer in His love for them and us. He came to suffer and to serve and taught them by a beautiful incident (Jn. 13:13-15)
Junior Endeavor Topics By S. L. M.
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