he have had? Do you betray Jesus? (1 Co. 10:12.) Do you confess Him?
Judas was present and Jesus pointed him out as the one who should betray that they should minister to others. Him. Traitors may be even at the holy communion. 3. It was here the Lord's Supper was ordained and appointed to be cele- brated "till Jesus comes" Mk. 14:22; ICor. 11:11-26), to set forth His death for sin and sinners. Why called the Lord's Supper? Who are commanded to eat it? Are you His disciple? Who was Judas? Wh at is a traitor? What is the pun- ishment of traitors? What favors had Jesus shown Judas? Chosen him, for what in this life and that to come? For what did Judas sell these blessings? What did Esau sell his birthright for? (Gen. 25:34; Heb. 12:1'6). Who were the fellow consiprators with Judas? Tell the story of the bargain? What was the matter with Judas' repentance? Too late? Insincere? What did he do with the money? What did the priests do with it"? Why? What did this con- fession show? Conscious guilt? Who visited a traitor's doom to Judas? How? Where did he go? (Ac. 1:25.) What did Jesus say of his fate? (Mt. 26:24.) What sort of a name among men has Judas now? . What sort might Nothing to Be Proud of Near Toledo, Ohio, there used to live an old . doctor noted for his infidelity. He was violent in his opposition to the church. One day he called a noted in- fidel to the town where he lived and paid him two hundred dollars, that he might by means of his lecture break up the revival meeting. Everybody was afraid of him. He heard of an old- preacher back in the country who was a stranger to the schools, but not a stranger to God, and he asked his friends to make it possible for him to meet him. Finally they met, and the infidel with a sneer said. "So you believe the Bible, do you?" "Yes, sir. Do you?" said the preacher. "And you believe in God, do you?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I want you to understand that I am an infidel, and believe none of these things." The old minister looked at him and said simply, "Well, is that anything to be proud of?" and it was an arrow that went straight through the unbeliever. He went back to his office, began to JUDAS Oct. 27. Mk. 14:10-11 1. Question:
A. j
PETER Nov. 3. Mt. 36:69-75.
1. Give a blackboard sketch of the life and character of Peter. (1) Impul- sive, consecrated, chosen (Mt. 4 : 2 0 ); (2) Ordained to apostleship, and given miraculous gifts (Mk. 3 : 1 4 ); (3) First to declare Christ to be the Messiah (Mt. 16:16). One of the chosen three to see the raising of Jairus' daughter, the Transfiguration, and the. agony in the garden (Mk. 5:37; 9:3'; Mt. 26:37). He walked on the water, bux his faith failing he began to sink (Mt. 14:29). He was self-confident, yet devoted (Mt. 26:33-35). . 2. His reproofs. (1) for dissuading Christ from the cross (Mt. 16:23) ^ (2) For sleeping in the garden (Mt. 26: 36-46). Denies Chirst, but repented with tears (Mt. 26:69-75). 3. Jesus, risen, appeared to him sev- eral times (1 Co. 15:5; Jn. 20:19-23, 26-31, 21:7-11). Was commissioned to feed Christ's sheep and lambs (Jn. 21: 15-17). 4. Peter became a great apostle (Gal. 2:6-8); did great miracles (Ac. 5:15, etc.); learned the meaning of consecra- tion (Ac. 12:1-5); but was not so faith- ful as Paul (Gal. 2 : 1 1 ); died a martyr (Jn. 21:18), and left two great epistles written for us. First and Second Peter. think it over. "Anything to be proud of," he said, and he finally realized that he was not in a favorable position. Then he thought of an old Christian he knew and he said, "If I could be such a Chris- tian as that I would come to Christ." He went to tell the minister and the minister said to him, "Get down on your knees and tell God so," and he began to tell Him and then broken down, sobbed out his confession of sin, and his cry to God for deliverance was heard and he rose up a free man in Christ Jesus^ The Law: Its Scope and Purpose. Continued from page 246 behold all things are become new, and all things are of God who hath recon- ciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17, 18. "If when we were ene- mies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His (resurrection) life. Thus, having been brought into a place of love and friend- ship to God, therefore to the extent we walk by His Spirit in that new life, we will have no gods beside Him.
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