King's Business - 1912-10

The Scofield Bible Correspondence Course

has the following attractive


1. The work is interleaved throughout, for convenience in writing notes and comments, every other page being blank and of good quality of writing paper. Wh at a treasure will such a set of books ever prove to the student who has added his own notations to what he has found in the work. 2. It is really a comprehensive Analytical Commentary of greater practical-value than any other that^can be secured. He who seeks for light on the Wo rd will never be disap- pointed no matter what the subject he is investigating. 3. The complete index, with cross references, makes all the teaching on any subject at once available. Therefore, as a reference work alone, it would more than pay for itself at the modest price placed upon it. 4. It is a correspondence Course with examinations and full privilege of correspondence with, perhaps, the greatest Bible Teacher of the day. 5. The examinations are optional, and are elective at any time within two years after enrollment, while the privilege of writing to Mr. Sammis remains. 6. The Minister who possesses it will never lack a sug- gestion for a subject nor matter for a sermon. The Bible teacher will find a boundless field from which to gather spiritual help for others. The Sunday school teacher will find, it the best help on the lesson. Send in your order for a course today. It will be sent by prepaid express on receipt of price. Address all communications to The Bible Institute


of Los Angeles

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