King's Business - 1912-10

The 5cofield Bible Correspondence Course

Is now in its fifteenth year. During that time thousands of students in every part of the world have testified to its great value in leading to a knowledge of God's Word at once- comprehensive, spiritual and stimulating. Its graduates are in the pulpit, in Foreigh Missions, in City Missions, in the Y. M. C. A, and Y. W. C. A. secretaryships. They are teachers in schools, especially in Sunday schools. Minis- ter-students have testified to the great homiletic and expository value of the Course. Best of all it has proved the very thing for the quiet home study of the plain people of God. It covers carefully every book in the Bible—for example, twenty-six pages of help are given to the Revelation alone. It makes every student the personal pupil of Rev. J. H. Sammis, one of the teaching staff of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. It covers the whole Bible in exhaustive examinations, the answers to which are carefully revised. It points out the structural and spiritual divisions of the Bible "rightly divid- ing the word of truth." The Types are explained. The great words in which it has pleased God to reveal truth are studied and fully defined. The doctrine of the person, names and attributes of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are taught from the Word itself. The use of the Bible in personal and public work is taught. The Bible teaching concerning the future is harmonized and conservatively stated. The examinations are not obligatory, as many busy ministers and others use it only as a great work of reference. The right of correspondence about difficulties remains whether the examina- tions are taken or not. Diplomas are granted to students who successfully pass the examinations. The whole work is bound in three handsome volumes, fully interleaved and nicely boxed. 3 Volumes of the Scofield Course $10.00 1 Copy of t he Scofield Bible 2.00 1 Year's Subscription to King's Business 50 $12.50 Cost to you $10.00.

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