Our New Book Room in the Auditorium Building Fifth and Olive Streets is filled with the very choicest Christian Literature. The following titles j were selected from among many on our shelves: THE GREAT APOSTASY SET IN • • • 1 5 c THE GREAT TRIBULATION. What does it mean? When will it commence; How long will it last? . THE COMING CRASH between capital and labor -JW ETERNAL PUNISHMENT: What is it? How long will it last? . 1W CAN A CHRISTIAN BE A SOCIALIST? . 1 j, ° ° An eye opener to any truly "born again" person who has a leaning towards Socialism. _ i MODERN SOCIALISM, Satanic or Divine, Which? • • oc SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS, Their origin, history and erroneous doctrines. . oc MILLENNIAL DAWNISM alias Pastor Russell-ism • • ; ' • 1 0 c The blasphemous religion that teaches the annihilation of Jesus Christ. A most convincing argument against this heresy by I. M. Haldeman. THE DEVIL'S MISSION OF AMÜSEMENT • • • • • • • • • I A most vigorous and timely protest against the craze for the Church to pro- vide "Entertainments," "Fancy Fairs," "Concerts" and "Dramatic Perform- ances" for the people. . -, D8j ROGERS REASONS. By John Urquhart, answers most infidel objections l ue THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DELUSION, by Rev. A. C. Dixon 10c Shows up the unscriptural character of this great delusion in <:lear and un- mistakable terms, mistakable terms. CHARACTERISTICS OP THE AGE, and their significance 1 U€ An address by Philip Mauro. ' _ THE WRETCHED MAN AND HIS DELIVERANCE • - 7 5 c By Philip Mauro. The author looks upon the experience of Romans, seventh chapter, as that of a Jew under the law, a conscientious Jew seeking light and deliverance. THE PRACTICE OP THE PRESENCE OF GOD oc By Brother Lawrence. A grand book, deeply spiritual. A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOTIONAL HOLY L I FE 50c By William Law. This is a book that every Christian ought to read. j p ^» SALVATION BY BLOOD 1 5 0 * • " His Blood makes peace, brings pardon, reinstates in position, promotes pur- ity, clothes with power, tunes to praise, ushers into paradise. lifo A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, by C. G. Finney A short treatise on how to promote a revival of religion. HOLY LIVING, by Jeremy Taylor • •• S 5 e A very helpful book for those who want to make the most out of the Chris- _ tian life. 1 „ FROM THE BALL ROOM TO HELL, Ex-Dancing Master T. A. Faulkner 2oc Is there any harm in dancing? This book will prove to you that the ball- room is sending more girls into hells of sin and shame than all other causes combined. . . SOCIAL GAMBLING, by Rev. Thomas Parry ; 10c Is the best thing to print-on the subject of home and social gambling. Mothers should read it. S e nd f or Ca t a l ogu e. Ad d r e s s, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles
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