Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — May 24 - June 13, 2019 — 15B
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Facility & Energy Systems / Security Risk Assessment
O wners , D evelopers & M anagers ByDougHaines, , MPSE, Haines Security Solutions, LLC It’s Time – The need for a Security Colonoscopy E quantitative assessment are used as the basis for making decisions. and seek hard-to-get funding. Assessing facilities without assessing their supporting infrastructure especially when it comes to energy systems is woefully shortsighted. very year or so, I get a medical check-up and every year or so the
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d o c s a y s , “Why don’t we schedule that colonos- copy for you now” . The idea of doing a “deep dive” sends shiv- e r s up my
Using a quantitative meth- odology makes risk quantifi- able; it becomes a yardstick that can be used to make decisions about allocating re- sources (funding and people). We believe risk is associated with the protection of assets (personnel or property) rather than the reinforcing or hard- ening of a building. In many cases, risk analysis and risk management become an op- timization analysis that ex- amines risk reduction values (due to the implementing of countermeasures) and the as- sociated costs to implement the identified countermeasures through a simple cost–benefit study. Although performing a detailed risk assessment is normally a complicated task, by following a method- ology where the results are site specific and tailored to an organization’s needs makes the process much more man- ageable. In turn, the results of the analysis can be used to make informed decisions in the allocation of resources to mitigate those risks. Even so, a methodology that cannot be applied to both physical and procedural vul- nerabilities and risks provide only partial value to the owner. Unlike qualitative or subjec- tive assessment methodolo- gies that focus on regulatory compliance, the methodology used should quantify vulner- abilities and risk, determine the cost effectiveness of specific improvements based on risk reduction and not necessarily costs, and help to prioritize solutions. This in turn allows decision- makers to plan for
It’s kind of like going to the doctor for a runny nose and she never looks at your ears, eyes or throat. You’re going to have problems later. Energy systems include elec- tricity (for everything), fossil fuels/natural gas (backup gen- erators/heating), steam (ambi- ent control) and non-drinking water (chillers/HVAC). Analyst should identify the criticality of these components within a facility. That said, sometimes, the most vulnerable part of a building is not actually in the building. Most facilities have a single point of failure (SPF) at the point where the build- ing or activity connects to the grid. A failure here can have a devastating impact, especially for facilities that provide qual- ity of life functions. Unfortu- nately, SPFs come in many shapes and sizes. Tangible lo- cations are usually easily and readily identifiable; such as, a building or an energy system node; however, SPFs within processes or procedures are a little more difficult to identify. Nonetheless, they may be vi- tally important and therefore cannot be overlooked. Spring time is the best time for a physical security check- up. If you need follow-up lab work or visits, a corrective diet or an exercise plan, the summer months and the nice weather they bring, give you a chance to implement whatever the doctor orders. Doug Haines, , MPSE, Haines Security Solutions, LLC.
805 509-8655
Doug Haines
spine. But you know what, he’s right every year or so you need to check your health on a deeper level. (Pardon the pun). Well, the same goes for phys- ical health of your facility; i.e., apartment building, corporate office, high-rise, hospital, retail space, etc. I mean, after all, that’s what vulnerability as- sessments are all about. They are designed to judge what kind of shape you’re in on a physical security level and then a prescriptions or mitiga- tion strategies are prescribe to fix what ails you, err...the building. Without a quantitative method for risk assessment and analysis, the question of “Am I or are we in good health – from a security stand-point”, cannot be truthfully answered. In order to accomplish its pur- pose or function, every organi- zation or owner must protect personnel and critical assets from all threats, both natural and man-made. Spending lim- ited funds to protect personnel, assets, and equipment is a delicate balancing act in risk management. The question always arises: “Am I getting enough BANG for my buck?” Responding, “I think so,” sim- ply won’t cut it. In risk management, the estimates calculated from a
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