Daphne Fit Body BootCamp August Edition


Moving can be a stressful experience. Buying or renting a home is expensive enough. But between the down payment or deposit and the cost of movers, the grand total can be overwhelming. However, with these tips, you can cut down on your moving costs. Lighten Your Load and Use Social Media One of the easiest ways to save money and time during your move is by selling and donating unused items in your home. And packing up and moving is so much easier when you have less stuff! “Take your upcoming move as an opportunity to make a little extra spending money when you’re decluttering your home,” says Linda Descano, women and money expert from Citibank’s Women & Co. An easy way to sell your unused items is by posting ads for them on eBay, Craigslist, or Letgo. Social media can be a great tool for getting your moving supplies for free. Make a post on your social media accounts asking for boxes and other moving supplies. People often have extras lying around. Tax Deduction If you’re moving more than 50 miles away, you can save your receipts for a tax deduction, says Adrian Nazari, CEO of credit and load website creditsesame.com. But you have to keep a few things in mind. In order to receive tax deductions, your move must be job related, and accepting the job would have had to increase your commute by more than 50 miles if you had decided not to move. You also must be employed full time for at least 39 weeks during the 12-month period after you move. Lastly, your employer must not be covering your moving expenses. It’s true, moving can be stressful and expensive. However, following the tips above can not only save you time and effort, they can also save you a good chunk of change.

“I knew I needed to do something if I was going to continue to enjoy traveling to our lake house every year. That’s when I decided to give Fit Body a try. The workouts are great. They are varied and fun. The trainers are positive and very supportive. They take into consideration your physical limitations and provide alternate exercises if you need one based on your physical condition. They are fun and make you feel they really care about you. Everyone at FBF is supportive, friendly, and provide great service at all times. Their nutrition coaching has also really helped me change my eating habits and made losing weight and getting in shape really easy for me. Since becoming a member I’ve lost 42 pounds and 17 inches! It is just a great place and has changed my life!” Success Story


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