Doctor PT. Relieving Arthritis Pain


DOCTOR Physical Therapy

Don’t Let Arthritis Pain Slow You Down! Also Inside Healthy Grilling For Arthritis Sufferers Arthritis & Physical Therapy • Exercise Essentials Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe


DOCTOR Physical Therapy

Ifyou’reconstantly facing lowerback,hipandkneepain—youmightbe feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, our bones wear down. Are yours? If theyare,don’tworry. It’spossible toalleviate thesymptoms. It’seven possibletoeliminatethementirely. Ifyouhaveregularachesandpains, keep reading. We have a solution. What Is Arthritis, Exactly? Before knowing how to relieve arthritic pain, you’ll need to understand it. Arthritis—or the painful stiffness, or inflammation, of joints—isn’t a single disease. The term “arthritis” is an informal explanation of joint pain and disease in general. Over100typesofarthritisexist,assertstheArthritisFoundation.People ofallages,racesandsexcanget it. It’salsothe leadingcauseofongoing disability in America. What Causes Lower Back, Hip and Knee Arthritis? Because arthritis is a catch-all term, pinpointing what causes arthritis may be difficult. In most cases, arthritis is caused by injuries. These injuries degenerate bones, joints and cartilage, resulting in the pain. Arthritis can also be caused by: Don’t Let Arthritis Pain Slow You Down!

Simply walking can cause arthritis in the lower back, hip and knee. Our legs wear down as they’re used. Sometimes, old age is simply the culprit as use wears away at our joints and bone tissue. This type of arthritis, called degenerative arthritis—or osteoarthritis—is the most common kind of arthritis. When the leg’s cartilage—or its slick, cushioned surface—is worn away,bonerubsagainstbone.Thispain,stiffnessandswellingrequires professional osteoarthritis treatment. Arthritis & Physical Therapy Regardlessofthecauseofarthritis,physicaltherapyservesapurpose in mostcases.Often,severearthritismayrequiremedication,hotandcold therapy, or even surgery. While maintaining a healthy weight, exercise and a good diet help, medical intervention may eventually be needed. During physical therapy, the individual is trained to reach maximum mobility. They may also undergo exercises that reduce the pressure on arthritic spots. If a patient has undergone surgery, post-op physical therapycanhelpthemreclaimtheirmobility—aswellastheir lifestyle. Ifyouora lovedonesuffersfromarthritis,youstillhaveoptions.Contact one of our therapists today, and ask about ongoing physical therapy treatment to restore mobility, comfort and quality of life.

• Infections, such as Lyme disease • An immune system dysfunction • The inheritance of osteoarthritis • An abnormal metabolism, which leads to gout

Are you letting back pain hold you back? Call 856.579.7201 to schedule your appointment today!

Healthy Grilling For Arthritis Sufferers Are you looking forward to warmer weather and fun cookouts? While most people are smacking their lips to greasy burgers and brats, individuals suffering from arthritis are thinking twice at loading their plates, sometimes feeling like they’re missing out on the fun and food thatmake familycookoutsenjoyable.Fortunately,healthieroptionsare available for main dishes, sides, and even condiments! Condiments Salsa & Pico De Gallo. Instead of the sugar-loaded ketchup or fat-filled mayo, choose these tangy alternatives. Weighing in at just four to five calories per tablespoon, and zero fat, salsa boasts plenty of nutrients. Oliveoilbasedpestoorsundriedtomatospread. Allthree ingredients–olive oil, basil and sundried tomatoes – are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties.

Main Dishes Marinated Mushrooms. Meaty mushrooms marinated in equal parts oliveoil,balsamicvinegarand lemon juice.You’llget immune-boosting nutrients in the mushrooms, vinegar and lemon juice. Plus, studies showthatoleocanthal,oneofthemostconcentratedanti-inflammatory compounds in olive oil, dampens the body’s inflammatory process and reduces pain sensitivity with a pharmacological action similar to ibuprofen. HerbSalmon. Salmon with a splash of lemon and a sprinkling of savory summerherbs.Salmon isrich inomega-3sandvitaminD,bothofwhich enhance jointhealth,boost immunityandprotectagainst inflammation.

Side Dishes Bean Salad. Contrary to the mayo-based potato salad and macaroni salad, all beans boast fiber, protein and a bevy of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Caprese Salad. Sliced tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil drizzled withbalsamicvinegarandoliveoil.ChoosethistastyCapresesaladand you’ll get more oleocanthol and cancer-fighting lycopene.

Vote For Doctor Physical Therapy! Vote Doctor PT the Best Physical Therapy Practice of Gloucester County! For many years, the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with partners to honor those who make a difference in their community by having the community vote for your favorite local businesses. Last year we were humbled and honored to be among themasBestPhysicalTherapypractice inGloucesterCounty! Itwasan amazing surprise, but now we need your help to do it again! Vote today by visiting and entering “Doctor Physical Therapy” for the Physical Therapy category. One entry per person. Voting closes Tuesday, April 30, at 3 pm, so vote now!

Call Doctor Physical Therapy at 856.579.7201 , or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today!

DOCTOR Physical Therapy

Healthy Recipe Quinoa & Lentil Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

• 1 tbsp red wine vinegar • 2 tbsp soy sauce • 1 tsp smoked paprika For the Sauce: • 1 (28 oz) can tomato puree • 1 tbsp maple syrup, or sweetener of choice • 1 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar • salt and pepper to taste

INGREDIENTS • 1 head of green cabbage For the Filling • 3/4 cup brown lentils • 3 cups water • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa • 1 cup vegetable broth • 1 small onion, diced • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

Patient Success Spotlight

DIRECTIONS Begin boiling the cabbage in 3 in of water until the leaves peel off easily (about 20 min).Whendone,allow them tocool.Whilecabbage issimmering,bring lentils toa boil in a separate small saucepan. Lower heat and allow to simmer for 35 minutes, adding water to the pot as needed. Drain any excess liquid. While lentils simmer, placebroth intoanothersaucepan,addquinoa,andbring toaboil.Letsimmer for20 min until all of the water is absorbed (about 20 min). Cook onion with oil in a large skilletovermediumheatuntilsoftand translucent (about5min).Add11/2cupsof the cooked lentils and 1 cup of the cooked quinoa, along with red wine vinegar, soy sauce, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper to taste. Make sure ingredients are mixed before removing from heat. Preheat the oven to 350°. Stir all sauce ingredients together inasmallbowl, thendistributeabout1/2cupof thesauce into thebottom of9x9 inchbakingdish.Afterpeeling leavesoffof thecabbagehead,rollabout3-4 tbsp of filling into the center of each leaf until all filling is used. Place each roll into the baking dish. Spoon remaining sauce over the rolls, cover and bake for 1 hour. Let the rolls cool before serving.

“From the first moment I walked through the doors of Doctor Physical Therapy I knew I was in the right place, Dr. Monica and Suzanne are both so nice and professional. One of the first things Dr. Monica said to me was, ‘We are a team, we’re in this together.’ There was never a more true statement. It’s obvious that she not only loves her profession, but she is extremely knowledgeable. Not once did I ever feel uncomfortable. I look forward to going to therapy, after every session you end up leaving feeling better than you did when you walked in. I would highly recommend going to Doctor Physical Therapy it’s one of the best decisions you’ll make in your recovery. If I’m ever in need of a physical therapist again I will be right back there!!” - Andrew C.

Exercise Essentials Helps Relieve Knee Pain


Knee Extension While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 6 times on each leg.


Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsureofdoing.

Redeem this offer by calling Doctor Physical Therapy at 856-579-7201 and mention this coupon when you’re scheduling!


DOCTOR Physical Therapy

This offer expires March 31, 2019.

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