DOCTOR Physical Therapy
Ifyou’reconstantly facing lowerback,hipandkneepain—youmightbe feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, our bones wear down. Are yours? If theyare,don’tworry. It’spossible toalleviate thesymptoms. It’seven possibletoeliminatethementirely. Ifyouhaveregularachesandpains, keep reading. We have a solution. What Is Arthritis, Exactly? Before knowing how to relieve arthritic pain, you’ll need to understand it. Arthritis—or the painful stiffness, or inflammation, of joints—isn’t a single disease. The term “arthritis” is an informal explanation of joint pain and disease in general. Over100typesofarthritisexist,assertstheArthritisFoundation.People ofallages,racesandsexcanget it. It’salsothe leadingcauseofongoing disability in America. What Causes Lower Back, Hip and Knee Arthritis? Because arthritis is a catch-all term, pinpointing what causes arthritis may be difficult. In most cases, arthritis is caused by injuries. These injuries degenerate bones, joints and cartilage, resulting in the pain. Arthritis can also be caused by: Don’t Let Arthritis Pain Slow You Down!
Simply walking can cause arthritis in the lower back, hip and knee. Our legs wear down as they’re used. Sometimes, old age is simply the culprit as use wears away at our joints and bone tissue. This type of arthritis, called degenerative arthritis—or osteoarthritis—is the most common kind of arthritis. When the leg’s cartilage—or its slick, cushioned surface—is worn away,bonerubsagainstbone.Thispain,stiffnessandswellingrequires professional osteoarthritis treatment. Arthritis & Physical Therapy Regardlessofthecauseofarthritis,physicaltherapyservesapurpose in mostcases.Often,severearthritismayrequiremedication,hotandcold therapy, or even surgery. While maintaining a healthy weight, exercise and a good diet help, medical intervention may eventually be needed. During physical therapy, the individual is trained to reach maximum mobility. They may also undergo exercises that reduce the pressure on arthritic spots. If a patient has undergone surgery, post-op physical therapycanhelpthemreclaimtheirmobility—aswellastheir lifestyle. Ifyouora lovedonesuffersfromarthritis,youstillhaveoptions.Contact one of our therapists today, and ask about ongoing physical therapy treatment to restore mobility, comfort and quality of life. https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/understanding-arthritis/what-is-arthritis.php https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/where-it-hurts/back-pain/causes/back-arthritis.php https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/7-core-exercises-relieve-back-and-hip-arthritis-pain https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/4-types-arthritis-cause-sacroiliac-joint-pain
• Infections, such as Lyme disease • An immune system dysfunction • The inheritance of osteoarthritis • An abnormal metabolism, which leads to gout
Are you letting back pain hold you back? Call 856.579.7201 to schedule your appointment today!
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