Board Converting News, September 9, 2024

Advanced Equipment Sales (CONT’D FROM PAGE 20)

to the plant and we capture and put the dust to beneficial secondary uses,” he said. “That is what makes most mod- ern manufacturing operations tick.”

cludes industries outside of box converting and printing that are utilizing next-generation technologies. Currently they are working on a specialized material separator that will support one of the largest electric vehicle battery man- ufacturers in the world. To fully appreciate the origins of AES, it’s necessary to look at Jeff’s background. His career started in the direct marketing printing industry in the 1980s where his talents soon flowed from operations to engineering, helping de- sign in-house printing and converting equipment, electri- cal controls and eventually a scrap conveyance system. With his growing expertise in scrap systems, Jeff soon found himself in demand. At night, it wasn’t unusual for him to be in the shop or even his spare bedroom building panels and working on UL certifications to ensure that his electrical industrial power panels met the standards for safety and proper construction. All his hard work laid the groundwork for developing a product that integrated all the fans, shredders, balers, and dust collector processes into a seamless system that could be sold and manufac- tured. By 1989, Jeff and Jill were well-positioned to start their own company, AES (Advanced Equipment Sales). Several years ago, Jeff said they decided to make one of the integral pieces, the air material separator that sepa- rates the scrap, dust, and air, resulting in a clean, efficient baling operation. “We have clean fresh air flowing back

Box manufacturers see the value of grade segregation as scrap is being generated more and more quickly, he said. “When you have grade segregation, you can manage your return on investment by creating higher value scrap bales to sell. Some of our customers are really dialed in CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 AES Staff, from left, Ben Rudolph, Sales Engineer; Eric Conery, Project Engineer; and William Luong, Draftsperson.

PRINTCHEK REPRESENTS A NEW FRONTIER IN PRINT QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR THE CORRUGATED CARDBOARD INDUSTRY PrintChek uses a series of line scan cameras to capture an image of each sheet across its entire span before being die-cut. Every sheet's size, rotation, and print quality are then compared to your set “golden standard” to identify defects as small as 2mm like skew, spots, hickeys, smears, color deviation, missing print, and more. Using PrintChek in conjunction with MeasurementChek allows you to remotely monitor production and quality statistics which you can then export via Excel for statistical analysis.




Adhesive Dispensing and Quality Assurance Solutions Valco Melton :+1 513 874 6550 |


September 9, 2024

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