Board Converting News, September 9, 2024

Advanced Equipment Sales (CONT’D FROM PAGE 24)

cess inventory here. We have our shop which is constant- ly funneling through baler rebuilds that we do and some sheet metal fabrication, but we’re a little bit limited until we grow our footprints,” Jeff said.

controls and managing proactively as opposed to reac- tively and Jill has helped us build the tools in-house so that we’re nimbler, we’re more able to respond to different situations so that little problems don’t become big prob- lems,” Jeff said. The Dietterichs say they are bursting at the seams with activity at their plant. They have staff in project manage- ment, engineering, accounting and are fortunate to be in a financial position that allows them to attract and hire the best people. “We’ve got a great team in the field,” Jeff said. “We de- cided to do more with our own installation crews and de- velop that talent in-house so we’re less reliant on outside crews. We can improve our margins and improve our qual- ity by doing that. That was one of our goals for this past year is to reinvest in people.” Originally, AES operated in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, then nearby Skippack before building a facility in Souder- ton, Pennsylvania, 34 miles north of Philadelphia, in 2001. Jill said the area has changed over the years to their ad- vantage in terms of land values and major highway access, which fuels the number of distribution center warehouses in the region. “We’re really stretched to the max; we do some of our manufacturing offsite. We have a lot of storage offsite be- cause we don’t have the space to store our work-in-pro-

An AirSHARK unit completed and ready for delivery.

Situated on three acres in a 10,000-square-foot facility, the Dietterichs already have plans drawn when the time is right to expand their headquarters. Though the Dietterich’s offspring are not in the busi- ness, AES has a multi-generational family feel with sec-



September 9, 2024

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