21 Days (of Encouragement) Before Christmas 2020

DECEMBER 12 I MUST FIRST PRAY By John Collins Word of Life Local Church Ministries, Director

I Timothy 2:1-2 God has impressed upon me in this passage that I must, first and foremost , pray.

Prayer is the one thing everyone can do, it’s a beautiful engagement of the Creator in the affairs of men. When prayer happens, incredible and even miraculous things occur. Prayer is also the key to seeing the lost come to Christ, as we know it is God’s will that everyone comes into a right relationship with Him through Christ. Sadly, I find that I need to constantly be reminded that prayer must be first, middle and last in all I do!

Prayer is where the power starts, because power starts at the source: The God of the Universe. Wow. Today I will make prayer a priority.

I love this reflection on prayer:

What the church needs today is not more or better machinery, not new or more organizations, not novel methods, but people the Holy Spirit can use: men and women of prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, He does not come on machinery, He does not anoint plans, but men and women mighty in prayer. (Adapted from The Complete Collection of E.M. Bounds on Prayer )

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