DECEMBER 15 MARY’S QUESTION By Dr. Ray Pritchard President of Keep Believing Ministries
Luke 1:34 “How will this be” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
This is a perfectly natural question, as Mary is betrothed but not formally married. She has never had sexual relations with any man. How then can she become pregnant and bear a son?
In the history of the church, Mary has often been portrayed as a kind of misty, other-worldly figure. If you look at some of the great paintings of Mary, they make her look so peaceful that you almost forget she was a real person. That’s a shame, because Luke makes it clear that she was very real, with very real doubts, very real questions and very real faith. Nowhere is this seen with more clarity than in verse 38:
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”
Without exaggeration, we may call this one of the greatest statements of faith in all the Bible. We read it so often that we forget how great it really is. The angel told Mary, A. You’re going to get pregnant, B. You’re going to give birth to a son, and C. He’s going to be the Son of God. When you ask how, he says, “Don’t worry about it. The Holy Spirit will cover you like a cloud and you’ll end up pregnant. That’s all there is to it.” What do you say to that?
Mary said yes. Yes to God, yes to the impossible, yes to His plan.
When the angel said, “Nothing is impossible with God,” Mary took a deep breath and said, “Be it unto me as you have said.” And with those words, Christmas came to the world.
Our Father, we do not pray for more faith; we pray rather for courage to exercise the faith we already have. Make us like Mary, willing to believe despite our doubts. Amen.
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