21 Days (of Encouragement) Before Christmas 2020

DECEMBER 4 THE WORD BECAME FLESH By Deb Nightingale Word of Life, Director of Advancement

John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...”

The world, as it seems to us, is upside down and out of control. We may wonder, where is God in all of this? COVID, great racial unrest, and a country/world so completely divided.

The Bible declares, “His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts.”

I think one of the greatest examples of this is the incarnation. God stepped down from Heaven and became flesh; a human, a helpless baby in a dirty stable no less.

“And the Word became flesh.” Without this there would be no cross; no death, burial and resurrection.

“His ways are not our ways.” The question… Do you trust Me? Do we trust Him enough in all this craziness to share the hope of the gospel? To share the only answer, the reason for our hope? That is what Word of Life does… brings the gospel to a lost world.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the reminder during this Christmas season that you kept your promise by sending us your Son.

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