21 Days (of Encouragement) Before Christmas 2020

DECEMBER 8 PRAYER OF INTERCESSION: I’M PRAYING FOR YOU By Bob Brown Word of Life, Special Assistant to the Executive Director Philippians 1:3-4 A good friend and I have lunch together a few times a year. Since we have several friends in common, he almost always brings along his personal prayer journal; together, we go through the pages of names. He often asks if I have any updates on the prayer requests he has for each name. After one such lunch, it finally hit me – I should be doing the same thing! What a blessing those meals with him have been. Now, when someone asks me to pray for them, I record it in my personal prayer journal. I then pray through the names during my daily Quiet Time devotional. As we pray for others, we lift them up to God, asking Him to pour blessings into their lives. We recognize our own limitations and ask God to do for others what we are powerless to do ourselves. Intercessory prayer demonstrates our love for others because we forget ourselves and seek God’s best for them. One of the kindest, most powerful things someone can ever say is, “I’m praying for you.”

Did someone ask you to pray for them? Did you record the request? Who are you praying for today?

Thank you, Lord, for putting people in my life who pray for me. You bless and strengthen me by their prayers. Help me to follow the example of the Apostle Paul and my good friend who taught me by example how to pray for others.

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