Unit 9
3 Make sentences by matching each sentence starter with a prepositional phrase. An example has been done for you. Bats clean themselves In cold countries, bats sleep Bats return to the roost They poke their long tongues Fish-eating bats swoop Flower-feeding bats hover into the flower. on tiny fish. beside flowers. through the cold months. with their toes and tongues. before dawn.
Noun phrases
A noun phrase is a group of words which functions as a noun: her sleeping child high-pitched sounds
1 Change each of the underlined nouns below into a noun phrase and write out the new story. Underline your noun phrases. Example: a fox è an old fox with beady eyes A fox saw a crow in a tree. The crow had some cheese in its mouth. “What a voice you have,” said the fox. “Please sing me a song.” The crow opened its mouth to sing and the cheese dropped onto the ground. The fox grabbed it and ran off, laughing.
Adjectival phrases
An adjectival phrase is a phrase that describes a noun or a pronoun. They are born naked and blind and pale
bats rest in cool dark places
adjectival phrase
noun adjectival phrase
2 Make each of the following sentences more interesting by adding an adjectival phrase. Example: She wore a hat. è She wore a blue hat with long ribbons. 1 I stared at the sea. 3 I was surprised by his voice. 2 Noises came from behind the door. 4 She heard a scream.
WB6 p23
• Noun phrases: Help students to see that using noun phrases and adjectival phrases will make their writing much more interesting.
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