Unit 11
2 Brandon’s class did two surveys of the reading habits of students in the year. How often do you read books outside school? Girls Boys All Every day or almost every day 8 5 13 Once or twice a week 13 14 27 Once or twice a month 4 5 9 Never or almost never 2 3 5 TOTAL 27 27 54 Create a four-column table like the one here. Conduct a survey of students. Fill in the numbers in the table. Print and display a copy.
What do you most enjoy reading?
Girls Boys
realistic stories
science fiction
adventure stories
1 Which of these statements are true? a) More girls than boys read every day. b) More boys than girls read every day. c) More boys than girls almost never read.
d) 50 per cent of children read once or twice a week. 2 How many girls read once or twice a month or less ?
• Extension: Divide the class into two. Have each group conduct a survey – one of how often students read and the other of what they read. Have each group present their findings to the class. Compare the results from their surveys with those above. ICT Show students bar charts online, for example at BBC.co.uk/bitesize. Project them and ask questions based on the charts. 3 What type of story is the most popular with these students? 4 What type of reading is preferred by only one student? 5 Are blogs more popular than poetry? 6 How many students prefer reading adventure stories? 7 What is science fiction? 8 Write a sentence comparing what boys read with what girls read. Base your answer on the bar graph. 9 What do you most enjoy reading out of school and why?
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