Language Tree SB 6

Practice Test

Questions 36–40: READING Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Trick a Duppy If you want to trick a duppy

and want to walk on happy happy in a moonshine – bright moonshine – hear how and hear how things work out fine. 5 You see a duppy. Don’t whisper. Don’t shout. Make not the least sound from your mouth. One after the other straight straight, strike three matchsticks alight. Drop one then another of the sticks ablaze. 10 And before you walk a steady pace flash dead last match like you dropped it, when smart smart you slipped it in your pocket to have the duppy haunted in a spell and why you cannot tell. 15 But duppy searches for that third matchstick to vanish only when 6 a.m. has ticked. James Berry

A duppy is a type of ghost.

36  If you see a duppy, what should you do? (A) Whisper and shout. (B) Remain silent. (C) Don’t open your mouth. 37  What should you do with the first two matches? (A) Drop them both together while they are alight. (B) Drop them one after the other while they are alight. (C) Drop them one after the other before you light them.

38  What should you do with the third match? (A) Light it and drop it. (B) Don’t light it and put it into your pocket. (C) Light it and pretend to drop it. 39 Haunted in a spell in line 13 means (A) the duppy is confused. (B) the duppy turns into a ghost. (C) the duppy casts a spell on you.

40 What happens to the duppy at 6 a.m.? (A) He searches for the matchstick.

(B) He reappears. (C) He disappears.

• Students can listen to the poet reading a Creole version of this poem at Search for ‘Trick a duppy’.


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