Language Tree SB 6


Revising and proofreading When you have written your first draft, revise your work, then proofread it using these checklists.

Revision checklist: Have I expressed my ideas in logical sequence? Have I linked ideas with signal words ( Next, However, On the other hand, Finally , etc.)? Can I add detail or change words and phrases to make it more interesting? Can I delete any phrases that don’t add anything? Is all the information relevant? Have I used long and short sentences?

Proofreading checklist: Have I checked and corrected: punctuation? use of capital letters? spelling? inappropriate use of non-standard English?

1 Revise these paragraphs to make them more interesting. Use the revision checklist to help you. Remember to write how people feel as well as what they do. Then proofread your revision and write it out neatly. 1 The wind was blowing. It was raining. We did not go to school Mom was worried there might be a flood. We listened to the radio. We checked the internet. We got food. We got batteries for the radio. Dad checked on Mr. Jessop. He lives on his own. 2 Ellen ran down the corridor. She bumped into Mrs. Parr. Mrs. Parr fell. She could not get up. Ellen went and got a teacher. They helped Mrs. Parr to the staff room. Mrs. Parr had a twisted ankle. She did not come back to school for a week. Ellen said she was sorry.

2 Choose a piece of work you have written recently. Revise and proofread it.

• In order to recap the revision process, revise a draft text as a shared activity. ‘Write aloud’ and invite students to take part in selecting words, and phrases, trying out different sentence structures and re-ordering sentences.


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