Language Tree SB 6

Unit 4

1 What is the main idea of this expository text? 2 How do websites make money?

3 What is the meaning of ‘ brand names are influential ’? 4 In what ways can online advertisements lead to trouble? 5 Which of these things is safe to do when you chat to someone online who is not your friend or relative? a) Make up a username. c) Tell them a joke you have heard. b) Tell them where you live. d) Tell them where your friend lives. 6 Why should you not give away personal information to people you meet online? 7 Why should you look at more than one website when researching on the internet? 8 What is meant by the phrase ‘ Be a good online citizen ’? 9 What would you do if you found out that a friend had arranged to meet someone he or she had chatted to online? 10 Do you think that every classroom should have access to the internet? Why or why not? Speaking and listening: arguments for and against 1

Work in a group. • Select a leader. • Select a ‘scribe’ to make notes. • Select a presenter to present your ideas to the class .

2 Discuss this statement. What are the arguments for and against? ‘Grade 6 students should be allowed cell phones in school.’ Give reasons for what you think and give examples: “I think that....because....”

I do research too... but sometimes I play games on it.

I can do research on my phone.

3 Help the presenter to plan a clear presentation of the ideas of your group. • What reasons did your group give for agreeing with the statement? • What reasons did your group give for disagreeing with the statement? • What is your conclusion?

• To extend work on the features of a website, brainstorm how you would build a website for your school. What would you put on the home page? What other pages would you have? (e.g. clubs, meet the teachers, sports, PTA, values, contact). Brainstorm what you would put on each page.


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