Word work
Study skills/Writing
Nouns: proper, common collective, abstract, compound Capital letters Verbs: identifying, helping verbs Sentences and phrases
Plurals root words antonyms
Book report Group project: working together, researching, presenting a project Writing process: topic/purpose/audience/ format, getting ideas, revising and proofreading Portfolio Journal
Subject–predicate Subject and object
Adjectives: identifying, comparative and superlative, changing nouns to adjectives Personal pronouns
Simple present tense Subject-verb agreement Interrogative and negative
Make notes Research topic (include technology) Organise ideas under headings Write a report Concept map to structure writing Write a story including description of a scene
Review of tenses: Simple past Past continuous Present continuous
Spelling tips
Clauses Conjunctions Simple, compound and complex sentences
Synonyms Transitional words
Group project Compare/contrast two places of interest
Paragraph structure
Prefixes Suffixes
Write a report Peer edit and revise
Past participle Present perfect Past perfect
Homophones Words often confused
Write character description
Possessive nouns/ adjectives/ pronouns Reflexive pronouns
Written response to reading: book report or poem
Adverbs: Time, manner, place Comparative/superlative
Write instructions Include graphics
Quotation marks Conditional
Transition/signal words
Write a story with dialogue Use a story organiser
Prepositions Prepositional phrases Adjectival and noun phrases
Dictionary Silent letters
Write a poem Use figurative language
Reported speech Commas embedded in sentences
Write a story (story elements and writing process)
Active and passive voice
Write a formal letter putting forward an argument
Relative pronouns
Contents list Colons, Semi-colons Commas in lists
Write a report
Brainstorming Planning Cause and effect
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