Language Tree SB 6

Unit 7

Word work: abbreviations

Abbreviations are a short way to write words and phrases. They can be: • a short form of the word è cm = centimetre tsp = teaspoon • the initials of the words è P.O. (post office) Most abbreviations are followed by a full stop è The parade starts at 3 p.m. Some abbreviations don’t need full stops è USA

1 Find the abbreviations in the timetable and the recipe below. Write them in full.

WB 6 p94

2 Rewrite each of the following sentences, using abbreviations where possible. 1 Mister Leon James will join the band at 3 o’clock in the afternoon at Saint Michael’s Church in Bay Street.

2 Doctor Dean told me to mix 25 millilitres of medicine with warm water and to take 2 teaspoons every hour. 3 We paid 15 Eastern Caribbean Dollars for 6 metres of fancy ribbon at the store on Down Avenue, next to the Post Office. 3 Do you understand this text message? Write the words out in full.

• Point out that some of the abbreviations in the timetable do not use full stops. This is becoming more common in the commercial world and students will see it all around them. Discuss this but tell students they should do whatever is required by their syllabus. • Introduce students to acronyms : abbreviations that are pronounced as words rather than as a series of letters, such as CARICOM and LIAT.


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