Unit 7 What have I learnt? Can Do Skills
1 Think of three adverbs of manner that can be used to describe how people do each of these things. Example: sing – loudly, joyfully, badly talk dance eat
2 Which comparative adverb completes the sentence? 1 I slept ________last night than the night before. a) more well b) better 2 I had more energy in the first race so I could run ___________. a) quicker b) more quickly 3 The one who works the ______ will win the prize. a) harder b) hardest 4 I live the __________ away from school. a) farest b) farthest 5 Of the four days we were there, it rained ________ on Tuesday a) more heavily b) most heavily
3 Find the adverbs in the sentences below. Are they adverbs of manner, time, frequency or place?
Example: I stayed inside because it was raining. Inside = place 1 Yesterday the weather was sunny and the sea was calm. 2 We usually have good weather in January and February. 3 I got nervously into the rocking boat. 4 The sailing boat flew swiftly over the waves. 5 We sometimes catch a lot of fish. 6 We looked for shrimps everywhere but could not find any.
List all the abbreviations in this notice. Write them in full.
• Encourage students to use context clues to work out the meaning of any unfamiliar abbreviations.
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