The LawCareers.Net Handbook 2022

Work experience

Following up after the placement Send a brief email thanking the recruiter for your placement/mini-pupillage/work experience. Add a personal touch along the lines of how you think the experience has helped you at the outset of your career and what you most enjoyed. You may also like to connect with people you worked with on LinkedIn. It may be worth jotting down some thoughts and impressions of the experience to focus your mind. This will allow you at interview to talk about how it helped in terms of your future plans and overall knowledge of the legal profession.

Reality check: Some firms recruit trainees directly from work placements, so it is worth getting onto a scheme if possible. In addition, you should be asking family members, friends, teachers and even friends of friends if they know anyone working in the legal profession who might be able to help you get some work experience.



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