Executive Education HEC Montréal Program Portfolio 2024-2025


4. Empower tomorrow’s leaders to succeed today

“Some 68% of newly minted CEOs say they would’ve felt readier to take the leadership reins had they spent more time building up their hard skills, but even more say they should’ve developed better soft skills — how to lead and how to avoid common pitfalls that can throw you off track,” says Jacob. “Because when you think about it, there are two separate things expected of you in a leadership position: delivering certain results in terms of strategy, operations, innovation, financial performance and so forth, and actually being a CEO — embodying the philosophies, values and attitudes that inspire, that X factor that transcends definable skill sets.” Now, more than ever, developing the potential of our future leaders is vital in building their credibility, fostering their wellness and preparing them to face the management, growth, transformation and globalization challenges ahead. Making sure they have the tools and support they need is paramount to navigating the choppy and fast-changing seas that are the norm rather than the exception in the current business environment.

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