Committing to the Abundance Mindset - An Interview With the President & CEO Eli Matthews
Can you tell me a little bit about the mindset that has helped propel you to the position you are in today? Years ago I committed to an abundance mindset. Within this mindset, there are several perspectives and disciplines to adopt and integrate into your life. A foundational portion of this mindset has to do with serving others, especially before oneself. This is also a core value of The Chamber, as we grow through serving the needs of others and fixing issues as they arise. In my personal life, consistent, small growth has propelled me to crafting the lifestyle and habits required to reach my goals. Over time, this consistent dedication adds up to incredible change both individually and organizationally. A key element within the abundance mindset is understanding that change is constant - and you can either run from it or embrace it and leverage it to your advantage as a lifelong learner.
How would you describe success? For me, success is when all cylinders in your life are running smoothly and at high performance. This means that your relationships, as well as your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing are all thriving at the same time. A significant part of this is communication - both within yourself as it relates to your daily aspirations and goals, as well as your team and business. In the workplace, long-term goals act as a springboard to propel your team, and ultimately promote them to move in conjunction with one another toward a clear finish line. One quote I love is, “Success doesn’t come to those that are necessarily the smartest, the best looking or even the hardest working, but to those that are the most hungry for it.” Improving day-to-day in your communication with yourself as well as those around you is the ultimate stepping stone to success in your life. What is something that has helped The Chamber create a strong foundation for communication in the workplace? Our team has collectively committed to focus and “live” through the abundance mindset. This includes implementing both personal and professional development tools and goals. Additionally, the team is extremely open and understanding of one another, providing the space to listen and engage with thoughtful consideration of their differing communication styles.
What is your most important piece of advice for the business community? I believe one of the most powerful tools and opportunities we have as people is to utilize the power of our own minds, and take personal responsibility for our actions, choices and therefore our outcomes. Those that live in a growth mindset realize and own that they are both the problem but also the solution. There are, of course, external factors that come into play that cannot be individually controlled; This is all about the habits we create and mindsets we adopt to become our best selves. Once you begin walking in this truth, your life becomes an adventure that you get to craft. What is the first characteristic you look for as a trait in all your employees when bringing them onto the team? The first thing I look for is the passion in the individual’s heart and mind. They don’t need to have all the knowledge, skills, or even experience, but they have to have the heart for the work and the desire to grow and improve. n
The Business Review | March 2023
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