Bay State PT_Don't Ignore Your Back Pain


A common treatment for back pain is medication, usually for pain management. Your physician may prescribe NSAID pain relievers or corticosteroids as part of your treatment for back pain. Pain relievers can help in the short-term, but these medications can become harmful if used for long periods of time. Luckily, there is a much safer and healthier alternative to treating back pain:physical therapy.Atyour initialevaluation,yourphysical therapistwill ask you several questions regarding your medical history, your lifestyle, and the location of your pain.Your physical therapist will then assess your posture, coordination, strength, balance, and flexibility. During this assessment, thephysical therapistwilluse theirobservationalandmanual skills tohelpgatherbaseline information.This informationwillassistyour physical therapist in creating the best treatment plan for you and your specific needs in order to maximize your long-term results. When you have completed your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will then create an individualized treatment plan, beginning with acute stage physical therapy and leading into active recovery physical therapy. Thepurposeofacutestagephysical therapy is tohelppainbecomemore manageable, andhopefully toalleviate it altogether.Lower backpain can be a debilitating condition, impeding your physical abilities. Because of this, physical therapists work hard to reduce pain as much as possible. Acute physical therapy can include any combination of these specialty treatments, as deemed fit by your physical therapist: HOW CAN I FIND RELIEF?

The musculoskeletal system, which comprises sixty percent of the human body, consists of muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and fascia (a web of connective tissue that spreads throughout the body and surrounds all structures of the human body). This system provides support and motion and is involved in biomechanical activities. The musculoskeletal system, and especially the soft tissues (muscles and fascia), are commonly the source of pain and dysfunction. Sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, physical, and/or psychological stressors, as well as nutritional inadequacy can contribute to myofascial dysfunction and the development of trigger points. MyofascialTherapy,alsoknownasMyofascialRelease, isasafe, low impact technique that aims to release tissue tightness and promote myofascial balance.MyofascialRelease incorporates techniques thatmove the tissues towards or away from the barrier (restriction) by stretching or elongating the fascia.

EXERCISE TO RELIEVE PAIN Try these movements if you are experiencing back pain

• Manual therapy • Massage • Ice and heat therapies • Ultrasound

• Dry needling • Electrical stimulation • Aquatic therapy • Stretching

Cat Camel While on your hands and knees, in a crawling position, activate your abdominalmusclesandrelaxyourback muscles to bring your back up towards the ceiling. Next while in the same position, allow for your abdominal muscles relax and activate your back muscles, bringing your stomach to the floor. Begin this exercise slowly and through a small range of motion. If this motion feels good, increase your range of motion as you are able. Complete 1 set of 6 progressing to 3 sets of 10. Loosen A Tight Back

The purpose of active recovery physical therapy is to progress exercises to focus more on strength and stability training. Your physical therapist will continue to progress your exercises until you feel that you are able to return toyourdailyactivitiesandcancontinue theexercisesonyourown.

Contact us today!

Don’t ignore your back pain any longer. For the most effective back pain treatment, contact Bay State Physical Therapy today. Our main goals are to help you relieve your pain, improve your strength, and reach your optimum levels of functioning. Schedule an initial evaluation with one of our dedicated physical therapists to get started on your personalized treatment plan as soon as possible!

Sources: AmericanPhysicalTherapyAssociation: “PhysicalTherapist’sGuide toLowBackPain.” WorldHealthOrganization: “Prioritydiseasesand reasons for inclusion:Lowbackpain.”

Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


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