King's Business - 1911-07

The highest place accorded a disciple is Uie place of a servant, slave of Jesus Christ, Roni. 1:1. We call Him Master, but is He really so? Have we yielded all to Him so that we count it our highest privilege to ba His obedient and willing servant? "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do t h em ."

He speaks as a King, verse 13-18. There was protest from Peter, the impetuous, who could not understand His Lord. Christ was preparing them for communion with H i m- self, 1 Cor. 6:11: Heb. 10:22. "I am your Lord and Master and I give you a p a t t e r n ;" "I am as one t h at serveth," L u ke 22:27.

Lesson XXXI—August 6th

clude the thought of the sorrow p e n e t r a t- ing body, soul and spirit. It was with the deepest emotion t h at He said, "One of you shall betray me," Matt. 56:22; L u ke 22:23; a gloom fell upon the gathering. The Triumph of Satan. Wh en Jesus gave the sop t o J u d as it was equivalent to say- ing "I love you" —Judas hardened his heart and Satan entered in and anointed him lor the hellish work of betrayal. " He went out and. it was night," yes, the beginning of a long night' t h at shall know no morning, Matt. 2 6 : 2 A c t s 1:25. Satan had conquered; his tool was equipped—Judas took his place. H e might have had a place like t h at of •Tohn, but he chose the other. It mu st be t h at orfences come, b u t . woe unto t h em by whom they come, Matt. 18:7. The Tender Master. The Lord honored and entrusted Judas. He had given him a place in the inner circle, had washed his feet, had given him the sop, nad opened the tvay for him to repent and now He savs i o unkind word. J u d as might have been a preacher of righteousness but he became an example of unrighteouesness. He might have' become a riishop of souls, but he in- herited the field of blood. He migl., have witnessed the resurrection, b ut he died a suicide. How solemn are the final words concerning him. For those who crucified him, H e said, "Father, forgive t h em ," but of Judas, "It had been better for t h at m an if he had never been born." and this to be the sign manual to the world t h at they were followers of Christ. • How poorly the Church has obeyed this command. How little we know about love for one another. The test of love is obedi- ence. Christ rules in love. The law and spirit of His kingdom is love and love Is everlasting. The Testimony of Peter. How little Peter knew of himself. He thought he was ready to follow his Lord, ready to die for Him. The atmosphere of the upper room w as so holv, so spiritually invigorating; he had had such a wonderful experience'with the Lord; he felt so sure of himself t h at he wonders how the Master could doubt him. Poor im- pulsive Peter—what a mistake he made about himself—-he had wrong ideas of what was before His Lord and a wrong concep- tion of his own strength. P e t er is not yet prepared; there are lessons to learn which must come to him through severe experi- ences. Are we not inclined to be brave and strong in a fellowship meeting, when we are surrounded by Christian comrades and when the conditions are favorable to purity of

WARNING TO JUDAS. John 13:20-30.

Here we have a pathetic picture. It Is the last scene in which J u d as appears as one of the chosen band of disciples. Ques- tions force themselves upon us. Why was. he there? Why permitted to enjoy the in- timacy of fellowship with t h at company? One answer is inclusive: " T h at the scrip- ture might be fulfilled," Psa. 41:9. J u d as was a south country J ew of the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:25. J u d ah who sold Joseph was his prototype, Gen. 36:26, 27. J u d as had manv loving warnings against the love ut mammo n. Matt. 6:19-3*; 13:22, 23; Luke 16:11: Mark 10:25, 26. J u d as was the treas- urer of the twelve and was greatly tempted, Luke 8:3. It Is supposed t h at he was ready to betray Jesus the year before, but he wait- ed' for a larger reward, Jno. 6:64. He was greatly angered at the lofs of three hundred pence whicn the ointment' of Mary wouJd have bought. He w as bitter over the re- proof of Jesus and disappointed over the prospect of a . temporary kingdom. He ha a hoped for large gifts from the J e ws and perhaps some place of prominence. The Traitor Unmolested. Jesus now re- veals J u d as to himself. He knew the h e a r ts of men, Jno. 2:24, 25. He gave him one more chance,' verse 18. The Troubled Spirit. This is one of the strongest of expressions and seems to in-

Lesson XXXII—August 13th


J u d as has departed from the Holy of Holies; and glory now shines in t h at upper room. "Now is the Son of m an glorified." The Test of Dlscipleship. There is a b u r- den upon the heart of the Master. He thinks of these dear disciples and calls them little children. H e knows the depth of the need "which confronts them. He is to be removed f r om t h em; the Pillar is to be taken a w ay and they will forsake Him. H e lifts His voice in warning, "Love one another as I have loved you." He loved J u d as and P e t er a nd ministered unto them. Peter de- nied Him and J u d as sold Him. He gives therri a new commpndment. A new motive for discipleship. Love one another In Christ. A new degree of love. As I have loved v ox A New manifestation of love. As I have loved you. Self-sacrifice, self-abasement,

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