King's Business - 1933-05


June, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

troubled world. As for “ the leading nations summoned to the international conference at London,” who has the slightest expectation that they will “ agree” ? And then, with a world sinking into despair and decay “ because of the futility and feebleness o f its leadership,” what an op­ portune hour for the arrival of the leader who will not be feeble— a man like unto the leader who came to Italy when she continued “ to sink and decay because of the futility and feebleness of her leadership.” The world’s Mussolini will come in just such a time; and it will not be without reason that “ all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life o f the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13 :8). Dictatorship Over the Souls of Men Now we open the pages of the New Republic (May 3, 1933) to read in an editorial: The cultural “ rebirth” of the nation (Germany) goes merrily on, with bigotry rampant. On May 10, every uni­ versity in the Reich will stage a campus bonfire for the destruction of “ un-German” books from its own and other public libraries. The Ministry o f Education and Culture lends official support to a movement for the collection of radical books and books written by non-Aryan authors from libraries and private homes—obviously an excuse for new atrocities. The churches are offering a show of re­ sistance to Fascist domination that may result in some concessions. The protests of the Lutherans have pre­ vented nation-wide control o f the Protestant Church, al­ though other states are likely soon to follow the lead of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, where a State Commissioner has taken the place of. the recognized church authorities. “ Non-Aryan authors,” that is Jewish authors; and, o f course, anything a Jew would write is to be classed as “ rad­ ical” just now. But what is Germany, the home o f the Reformation, going to do with Luther’s Bible ? Is it to be consigned to her bonfires? Dear Miss S cott : I have been helped greatly by reading your answers to letters in the “ Girls’ Query Corner” of T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness , but I have not seen my problem dealt with and am wondering if many other Christians are not experiencing my difficulty these days and would be helped by your sug­ gestions. It is the problem o f fear. Everything seems so unsettled. I know my fear is unreasonable, for nothing is too hard for God, but I cannot seem to overcome it— fear o f unemployment, fear o f the safety o f investments, fear for the spiritual and physical welfare o f loved ones, fear o f sickness and o f the future. This is surely not consistent with a Christian life, but how can I help it ? — F earful O ne . Dear Fearful O n e : You cannot—but Christ, living in you, can! W e are living in days when to walk by sight truly means to walk a path o f fear and uncertainty. But the more uncertain and untrustworthy the things o f this world prove to be, the more worth while and secure appear the thnigs that are eternal, the things that change not. If you have trusted the Lord with your past and are be­ lieving and resting in Him for salvation from sin, can you not trust Him as your living, loving Saviour, who is able to care for His own for the present and future ? The choice

The Literary Digest (April 22, 1933) informs us that: German Nazis are nailing the swastika to the cross to make an Aryan church. All traces of the Jewish an­ cestry of the Christian faith are to be removed by mak­ ing Christ a German and by substituting German mythol­ ogy for the Old Testament. Thor and Wotan will be sub­ stituted for Moses and Isaiah, and tribal sagas will take the place of Proverbs and Solomon’s Songs. Jews may not enter the new sanctuary, and those who marry Jews will be excommunicated. “ Presto, change!” and the Jew becomes a German A ryan ! Well, Christ will probably remain a Jew in spite of the efforts o f the Nazis who, under the cognomen, “ German Christians,” thus show their hate for the chosen o f G od ! Unfortunately for these Nazi “ Christians,” the New Testa­ ment is so bound in with the Old Testament that it will be beyond their power to burn the one without burning the other. These “ German Christians” are not only apostates, but apostates gone crazy, However, in the action o f the great German State, where Protestantism had its birth, it is significant that “ a State Commissioner has taken the place o f the recognized church authorities.” Thus a Nazi politician assumes headship over the spiritual estate o f men! What a portentous omen o f the coming o f “ the beast” who, not content with economic dictatorship, will demand also that all religions shall be subservient to the State and “ cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev. 13:15). Rome revived! Altogether it is a black picture that confronts us. How­ ever, it is no time for any gloomy forebodings on the part o f those whose lives are “ hid with Christ in God.” Just the opposite! Listen to the Master: “ When ye see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draw- eth nigh.”

Q i r l s QUERY CORNER Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scotty 8961 Dicks Street, West Hollywood, California. No name will be published.

is between the pathway of fear and the pathway o f faith. We have three thousand promises given us in His Word. Appropriate them, rest in them, and keep your eyes upon your wonderful Saviour, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. With thankful heart, in these trying days, I have watched our girls, hundreds o f them—many o f them going through severe testings— singing this chorus with the glad assurance o f faith shining in their faces as they sing:

Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails, Heaven and earth may pass away, But Jesus never fails.

If you really believe God for that, you need not be troubled by any circumstance, and every trial will only strengthen and enrich your faith as you see God working-p when you get to the end o f yourself and can only “ stand still and see the salvation o f the Lord.” I am wondering if you have come to the place o f sur­ render where you have handed your will over to God and can truly say, “ Thy will be done.” If so, claim Isaiah 4 1 :13 and feel the pressure o f His hand as He leads you through whatever He sees fit to permit in your life to bring you to deeper and richer experiences with Himself. Can a child be worried or afraid so long as Father holds his hand?

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