King's Business - 1933-05


CÇ Church of the Open Door Purcha Granting Use of Classrooms for C( P rov iden t ia l Transaction Under (f M o n e y N ow C o n t r ib u t e d C an

R LEADERSHIP B ible knowledge e q u i p s you for Christian lea d e r­ ship. T w o -y e a r c o u r s e and sp e ­ cialized work cov­ ering three years o ffe r e d w ithou t tuition fees.

$25 ,000 .°° Needed Before the Last of

The climax occurred on the evening o f May 18th, when the CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR, who have for 19 years past occupied the Auditorium of Bible Institute, authorized the purchase o f the great Auditorium building at an official meeting. THUS , THOSE NEAREST TO TH E IN ST I­ TUTE H AVE BEEN THE F IRST TO RA LLY TO ITS SUPPORT . The purchase by the Church was itself a dramatic event. This great mid-city congregation, whose attendance runs into the thousands, and whose membership is increasing very rapidly under the pastorate o f the Rev. Louis T. Talbot, who has also accepted the acting presidency of the Bible Institute in this critical hour, is a sacrificing, Spirit- filled group of earnest Christians already carrying an extensive missionary program. Solution Provided not a Moment Too Soon Relief camé at the providential moment. Many faithful friends o f the Institute, knowing of the situation, had of late felt inclined to abandon the solution o f the In­ stitute debt as hopeless, but now have expressed their satisfaction and pledged their support to help insure its work. W I T H A C E R T A I N T Y T H A T T H E GREAT IN ST ITUTE BUILDINGS ARE SE­ CURELY HELD FOR CHR IST IAN W O R K— W E F E E L S U R E T H A T A L L O F O U R FR IENDS W IL L AGA IN TAKE HEART AND RENEW TH E IR SORELY NEEDED CON ­ TR IBUT IONS , AND TH A T GOD W ILL RA ISE UP NEW CONTR IBUTORS TO SUP­ PORT TH IS WORK . Relief has come—as it often does— through human agencies, yet none the less we firmly believe as a DIRECT RESULT o f the cloud o f intercessory prayer offered by the multitude o f friends and well-wishers of the Institute who greatly desired its continuance. Purchase of Auditorium Building Authorized by Con­ gregation of the Church of the Open Door at Official Meeting V, |~ t t h e darkest hour of its 25 years of Christian ser- y.-'li., vice; at the zero moment of testing, when the last re­ source seemed to be exhausted; God manifestly stretched forth His arm to save for His work BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES . No insurmountable difficulty or debt now faces us. With funds sufficient for operating expenses Bible Institute will carry on.

BIBLE C LA S S EXTENS I ON For adu lts— fo r boys and girls of elementary, a n d young people of high school and business a g e s . Regular c o n fe r ­ en ce ou tin gs in ch a rg e o f exp e­ rien c e d B i b l e teachers. CORRESPONDENCE COUR S E Special system a­ tized Bible courses leading to gradu­ a tion certificates are a v a ilab le by mail, and may be taken by students anywhere. Invalu­ able to c h u r c h workers and Bible students. M I N I S T R Y OF M U S I C Five major courses are offered in new Music C o u r s e , each including Bi­ ble subjects. Ex­ c e llen t classroom and p r iv a te in­ stru ction lead to effective Christian work t h r o u g h music. C H R I S T I A N L I TERA TURE Biola Book Room provides the best in Bibles and ap­ proved books. The King's Business, America’s greatest Bible family mag­ azine, pub lish ed monthly, is the of­ ficial organ of the Bible Institute.

Bible Institute Buildings are

$25 ,000 .00 Needed for Opening in Fall For Bible Institute to continue in existence

Sixty per cent of our 15,000 former stj More than 300 have gone to forA working in t f l

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