vant to these needs. You have heard it said, for instance, that “The Bible is full of the best psychology available.” Where in the Bible is that psychology to be found? What does it actually say? This is where we start to deepen the individual and corporate spiritual life. Perhaps a capable teacher for your Bible class for married couples can be found from a college or profession—for instance, a Christian doctor, psychologist, teacher, or social worker. Or one of your own group can lead (not teach) the dis cussion. This would require a good selection of materials and study guides. Many denominations are beginning to supply such discussion guides for young adult Bible classes. The Sunday morning Bible class is important for your group. Almost everything you do in your church will have some kind of theological basis. That means it concerns your relationship to God. You and your group will need time to talk this out together. You’ll need time to understand one another’s faith, and opportunity to realize how deeply God has touched each one of you. That’s a necessary part of working together in the church, and the Bible class can provide it. Make your class specifically for young married cou ples. Don’t limit your membership to those who join both organizations which you are forming. At the same time keep your purpose in mind: this is a place where the particular problems and opinions of you and your fel low young marrieds are dealt with. The second grouping should be an Organization for Married Couples. This group need not be large in order to begin. It can grow. It will probably comprise the same people as your new Bible class, plus others who will come in. Now you have a nucleus, which is growing to gether in fellowship (not just food and fun), with a real and genuine concern for each other. You can plan serv ice projects together for the church. You can reach out to other young married couples in your church to bring them into this “ fellowship” within the “ fellowship of the congregation.” You are not asking them to join an organization, but to join your fellowship, participate in your discussions, become involved in your service projects. This same group can be concerned about the un churched in the same age and interest group— and be come an effective mission arm of your church. Why not? Here is ground for your life and fellowship— sharing Christ, expressing faith, winning people. This is the work of the church. In doing it you will find your self-identity and your group-identity. Why be satisfied with an isolated organization? This is why organizations fail and become uninteresting. They are simply self-contained, repetitive, unchallenging. If you want an adult group that is really alive, make it one which concentrates on worship, Bible study, Chris tian fellowship, personal mission work. This is the one area where the church is unique. You can eat or be entertained elsewhere. More young adults are in churches regularly now than ever before. They are far from the “ lost generation” that the church has labeled them. They are in a sense lost in the church—not away from it. They only need a little activation—and lots of coordination. What they need to see is that Jesus Christ can live effectively in their lives—and that He can energize them with His Holy Spirit when 'only two or three of them come to gether in His name to do His work. What we need pri marily is not program, but commitment. Committed Christians will work out their own program with a little help, advice, and guidance. Condensed from "Young Married Couples in the Church," published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri.
together. Every minister longs to see this accomplished, and yet most despair of ever bringing it about. Young adult couples are often frustrated because they cannot find a sphere of activity in the church. The church is frustrated because it cannot get its young adults together. If you are among those who ask, “Why doesn’t the church do something for its young adults?” I will an swer you frankly “Why don’t you do something for your Declaration of Independence I am an American citizen. I am a free man in a free country. t am being threatened by Godless Commu nism. I must defend myself or submit to slavery. I know that Communist leaders plan to slaughter 60,000,000 of us. I know they are Atheists, Godless and heart less. I know they intend to deprive me of what ever possessions I have— even my home. I know they intend to take my business from me, I know they will take away free speech, free press and right of assembly. I know they will destroy all social organiza tions. I know they will destroy all labor unions. I know there will be no unemployment— as all workers will be slaves. I know they intend to destroy my church. I know they will destroy my school system. I know they will take my children and teach them as they wish. I know they will break up my home and my family life. I know mothers will be deprived o f the pleasure of raising their children. I know they will cause me to live under a reign of terror and fear. I know there will be no constitutional rights to protect me. How do I know all these things? Simply because the Communists have said so in their Manifesto and have done all of these things in the many countries they have taken over. I know I want no part of such a life. I know there will be no Abraham Lincoln to free us, if we fall to Communism. I will fight Communism and those leaders who are guiding us toward it. So Help Me God. church?” Not until you realize that you are part of the church can the church do something for you. There are two groups which the young married couples should form in your church, if they are not al ready in existence. These ought to be considered “ the indispensable two”—actually two activities of one group. The first group is a Bible Class for Young Adults. Your particular concern is a class for married couples. It need not be large. The class can first set out to find what the Bible has to say to problems of marriage, finance, vocation, personal relationships, child rearing, and other immediate problems. The Bible is quite rele
APRIL, 1963
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