King's Business - 1963-04


HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST This 75-year old mission was found­ ed to bring a Christian witness to the Jew. Every day in many cities in the U. S. and Israel a staff of dedicated workers make their way along the streets in business and residential areas to engage Jews in conversation concerning Messiah • Jesus. Children are gathered for club meetings and are won to the Saviour. Radio messages reach millions of Jews every week, in North America and Israel. The results — the Lord says, "Sow the seed . . . and I will give the in­ crease." W ill you share in this seed sowing ministry? A copy of the A.M.F. Monthly will be mailed to you free if you write today to: Archie A. MocKinney, Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III.

All Independent, Conservative, Pastors and Churches, are invited to inquire about ordina­ tion and membership requirements. Write to: Dept. K


the art of G I V I N G


2057 Lawrence Ave.

Chicago 25, III.

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---------- MISSIONARY HEALTH INSTITUTE----------- TRAINING thst bring. AMAZING RESULTS One yemr devoted to sound practical medical train-* lng, especially adapted to pioneer efforts, brings smartng results—breaks down prejudice— missionary to get into immediate action. 600 grad­ uates—in 40 different countries. DETAINED AT H0ME7 Exceptional opportuiiltlM to minister in His name at BETHESDA GENERAL HOSPITAL 325 Sheppard Ave. Wert, Wlllowdale, Ontario, Can.

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A c c o r d in g t o Dr. A. T. Pierson, there are at least ten ways of giving to benevolent purposes, some of which are a reproach and a shame. 1. The ignorant way; giving some­ thing to any object presented, with-“* out inquiry into its claims or merits or needs, or proportionate demands to other causes. 2. The impulsive way; giving as/a caprice of the moment leads as often to as much or little as feeling may prompt. 3. The lazy way; shirking all self- denial and resorting to fairs and festi­ vals and various panderings to the carnal nature to raise money “for the Lord’s cause.” 4. The calculating way; giving with reference to some expected returns in pecuniary prosperity or indirect self­ emolument. 5. The selfish way; giving from desire and expectation of the reward of human praise and glory, or person­ al prominence and reputation as a giver. 6. The systematic way; laying aside as an offering to God a definite pro­ portion of one’s income— one-tenth, one-fifth, or more, as conscience indi­ cates. This is adapted to both rich and poor and insures large aggre­ gates. 7. The intelligent way; giving to each object after a personal investi­ gation into its comparative merits and claims and without dependence upon the happy appeal of its representative or agent. 8. The self-denying way; saving what luxurious taste or careless out­ lay would squander, and sacredly ap­ plying it to purposes of piety and charity. 9. The equal way; giving to the Lord’s needy ones as much as is spent on self, balancing personal expendi­ tures and benevolent out-lay as a corrective to all extravagance. 10. The heroic way; limiting out­ law to a certain sum, and giving away the entire remainder. This is stewardship in exercise. Such giving approximates Jesus’ way (2 Cor. 8:9). No danger in the church of Christ is so imminent and subtle as that of its material prosperity (Rev. 3:17).

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Tony Fontane Story Walk The Tightrope Something to Die For George Muller Story Crisis In Morality Big Blast

Orang Dyak Just a Stranger Missing Missionaries 4 Saw Petra Withered Reed Teleo

NEW 35 mm. FILMSTRIPS Old Mayor'. Sacrifice and Mafchleu Pearl Write for Catalogue BIOLA FILMS LA HABRA, CALIF. APRIL, 1963


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