King's Business - 1963-04


centered ie s u s C h r is t , the Living Word, is cen- » tral in the Bible, the written Word. That is why, in every Scripture Press course, Jesus Christ is central—as Sa­ viour and Lord. Whether the study unit is Old or New Testament, whether the emphasis is on salvation or Christian living, whether the lesson is written for preschoolers or adults . . . every segment of the Scrip­ ture Press Lifetime Curriculum seeks personal commitment to Jesus, both as Saviour and as all-powerful Lord.

years ago expressly to get more B ib le. . . God’s inspired and infallible Word . . . into the Sunday Schools of the world. An early slogan . . .“ to get the boy into the Book and the Book into the boy” . .. still expresses our deepest desire. Scripture Press’ ALL-BIBLE Graded Series is All-Bible in two ways. First, each lesson at every age-level is based squarely on the Bible. And second, a person having SP lessons throughout the complete “ Lifetime Curriculum” (Nursery through Adult) studies all of the Bible. The SP trademark (below) symbolizes our philosophy. Only because Scripture Press lessons are solidly rooted in the Bible can they bear fruit to the glory of God—that fru it o f the Spirit which comes from rightly dividing and apply­ ing the “ quick and powerful” Word of God. This faith, this settled conviction that we are responsible to God to make known His Word, is shared by all who prepare and distribute All-Bible Graded lessons. Here are the signatures of all Scripture Press’ top executives, a ll Scripture Press editors, and all Scrip­ ture Press representatives... all of whom take this stand: “ We believe that all the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, the final authority for faith and practice, and the means through which the Holy Spirit works to bring salvation and to transform believers more and more to the likeness of Christ.”

Each term reflects a facet of spiritual depthandpurpose Scripture Press' “All-Bible Graded Series" of Sunday School lessons were first published in 1934. Over the past 29 years they have been expanded and im­ proved, year by year. Just last year, for example, the Tri-level concept was intro­ duced — providing a pupils' manual for each grade in the Primary and Junior de­ partments. But through all of these years, four meaningful ex­ pressions have been used to describe these materials: B ib le-ba sed , Ch rist-cen ­ t e r e d , d e p a r tm e n t a lly graded, and pupil-related. Sometimes our advertising copywriters throw them all to g e th e r . . . in one b ig , hyphenated mouthful. But these are far more than mere slogans . . . or adver­ tising catch phrases. They are the solid foundation stones on which the Scripture Press lesson structure rests. They are the heart of what Scripture Press offers to Sun­ day Schools throughout the world. B e c a u se th e se terms do mean so much to us . . . and are so significant to anyone selecting Sunday School ma­ terials . . . we are here spell­ ing out what we mean when we use them.

Our approach is like that of the Apostle John, in that our materials are prepared so that all who use them “might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing . . . might have life through His name.” You can count on this emphasis in all Scripture Press materials. Shown below is a typical lesson spread . . . with theme, memory verse, illustra­ tion, and aim all pointing to Jesus Christ as Author and Finisher of our faith.

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(g) 1963/ world rights reserved Scripture Press Publications, Inc. SCRIPTURE

PRESS S C R I P T U R E P R E S S P U B L I C A T I O N S , I N C . / W H

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