Outstanding Pastor Marks 25th Year in Church He Founded A QUARTER OF A CENTURY i n the Gospel ministry marks a mile stone; 25xyears in the same church becomes an unusual feat; however, two-and-a-half decades as pastor of the same church, which one founded, is noteworthy and deserving of no tice. Such is the case with Dr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Richardson who re cently celebrated their silver anni versary with the North Redondo Cha pel, Redondo Beach, California. Dr. Louis T. Talbot was the special guest for the morning anniversary service.
H E A R ! “Vision,.i ... Veoiurc" I I L RADIO PROGRAM •‘Victor Beattie, Commentator J
in a different dimension
for spiritual inspiration
of timely significance
N . Y .- W H N , N e w Y o ( 1 0 5 0 A M ) 8: 00 A P a . - W P E N , P h i l a d e ( 9 5 0 A M ) 8:30 A . N . C . - W B T , C h a r l o t ( ll l O A M ) 1 0 : 0 0 P . F l a . — W S U N , S t . P e ( 6 2 0 A M ) 9:30 P .
Dr. Richardson ( center) is flanked by Dr. Arthur Mouw and Dr. Louis T. Talbot. In the afternoon the congregation pre sented, as their gift of love and ap preciation, a new home to their pas tor. Rev. Arvid Carlson, a graduate of Biola, and pastor of the Mission Covenant Church of Pasadena, was special guest speaker on that occasion. The evening service was marked by communications from distinguished Christian leaders, Dr. T. J. Bach, president emeritus of The Evangeli cal Alliance Mission, was a visitor.
Southern California Schedule 7:30 A.M. KBBW 102.5 me. 8:00 A.M. XEMO 860 kc. 8:30 A.M. KBBI 107.5 me. 9:00 A.M. KTYM 1460 kc. 11:00 AM . KGER 1390 kc. 9:00 P.M. KGO 810 kc. 12:30 A.M. KGER 1390 kc. for pastors only! JUNE 10-14 One week of fellowship and inspiration. Food and lodging free! Flagstaff, Arizona Sponsored by: Biola-Arizona Bible Institute Southwest Bible and Missionary Conference Sudan Interior Mission For reservations write to: Pastor's Conference P.O. Box Flagstaff, Arizona
pocket Testameni League,! 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jersey Canada: 74 Crescent Rd., Toronto 5, Ontario
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Dr. Richardson addresses friends. Dr. R. R. Brown, pastor of the Omaha Gospel Tabernacle, Omaha, Nebraska, telephoned his congratulations. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president of BIOLA, was a speaker also. We thank God for the ministry of North Redondo Chapel and pray that its pastor, Dr. Herbert H. Richardson, may have many more years of fruit ful ministry for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1282-K So. Highland Ave. Los Angeles 19, California
APRIL, 1963
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