MY FATHER'S WORLD Worship Theme of the Herald Summer Bible School Series Write for valuable 1963 LEADER’S GUIDE, sent Free. Presents the theme, theme song, daily devotions, lesson descriptions for 13 years, plus other helps. Make this your best VBS year with the Series that emphasizes Bible teaching and brings children into personal relationship with Christ as Lord and Saviour. Be Proud of Your VBS With Herald Summer Bible School Se ries your VBS will never need apology for gadget activity, lack of interest, influence, or emphasis. “Created an atmosphere of calm in both teacher and pupil that warms my heart after nearly a year,” says one teacher. “We especially like your course because it contains ‘Bible’ and not so much hand craft,” says another. Lessons used from year to year—no waste. Follow grade school plan. Write Today for your copy or ttie LEADER’S GUIDE HERALD PRESS Dept. KB, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
M e s s a g e t h e E d it o r ( c o n t . > Denials of the faith like this are but stghs of (he great apostasy Christ predicted which would precede His personal return. It is indeed reassuring to know that the “Word of God standeth sure.” We are perfectly willing to take our stand with the Bible as it has come to us through two thousand years of time. We do not endeavor to write volumes in the effort to explain it away, but rather we rejoice in the glorious pri vilege of reading it, accepting it, be lieving it, rejoicing in its magnificent truths and resting in the confidence that “Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed God, the second person of the Trini ty, that as God He also became a man, tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin. Because He was sinless, He was able to die on Calvary’s cross as an atonement, as a sacrifice for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world, that all who put their trust in Him might not perish but have everlasting life. f r o m right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right vocation, right effort, right mindfulness and right concen tration . . . Nirvana the goal toward which the Buddhist strives is a place where the desire for pleasure — the cause of suffering — is eliminated . . . the Buddhist equivalent of heav en.” ** Since Z e n means meditation, the Zen Buddhists emphasize this exer cise in a way similar to that of Yoga. The devotee- seeks peace by this means. He needs to know the good news of the Gospel that “ being jus tified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:1). It is a strange paradox that American missionaries should be seeking to win Buddhists to Christ in India, Japan and elsewhere while in our country the Buddhists are es tablishing their religion, which is completely contrary to the teachings of the Word of God. “Handbook of Denominations, Frank S. Mead, Abingdon Press, Nash ville, Tenn. Used by permission. "C u lts and Isms, Russel P. Spittler, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Used by permission. Sendto Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.
s B u d d h ism is one of the major non-Christian world religions, we cannot undertake to discuss it in this brief column. However, since Zen Buddhism is a cult of Buddhism, we will answer some inquiries in regard to Buddhism in the United States. “ Buddhism is found in real strength in this country in Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, and California; and its represents the transplanting of the Buddhism of the East. Most of the Buddhists in the United States are Japanese-Americans. However, there are ‘English’ departments in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Ta coma. “The titular head of American Buddhism bears the title of bishop; he is in charge of all religious activi ties, and he is authorized to transfer or dismiss the clergy under his juris diction. The first Buddhist church or temple in the United States was con secrated in San Francisco in 1905; and the Buddhist Mission of North America was started in San Francisco in 1898 and incorporated in 1942 as the Buddhist Churches of America. There are 80 ministers and two deans and about 20,000 members.” * “ The Buddhist method of salvation is called karma. “Karma may be de scribed as the sum of an individual’s thoughts and actions in all his previ ous incarnations. In each incarnation, he modifies his karma for either good or bad . . . Karma can be bettered by good moral deeds, ritual and ascetic self-discipline. The ultimate aim is not only to improve one’s karma, but to do more, namely, to escape from the endless series of changes, the apalling succession of births and re births. This would be salvation.’ “Gautama Buddha taught his views in a simple summary. The hopeless reincarnation pattern could be broken if certain virtues were cultivated and actions taken . . . Here is a brief summary of his four ‘truths’ : “ 1. Human existence automatically involves suffering. 2. Suffering is caused by the desire for pleasure. 3. Release comes only through extin guishing the desire for pleasure. 4. An eight-fold path must be followed to drive out pleasure . . . The way of salvation in Buddhism is traced by Buddha’s eight steps: Right views,
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