Learning can be a happy experience for V.B.S. pupils ourRedeemer VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL COURSE • Five year course • Bible centered • Each series complete in itself • Theme study from Old and New Testament Series 1 OUR NEED OF A REDEEMER Series 2 STRENGTH AND POWER Series 3 FAITH AND COURAGE Series 4 WITNESS AND SERVICE Series 5 PRAISE AND TRIUMPH
S o m e w e e k s ago a Christian friend was expressing concern to me over a decision of the United States Supreme Court relating to religious freedom of citizens. I have heard the suggestion that the weekly Monday morning sessions of the Court, nine months in the year, were beginning to take on some of the appearance of a weekly Constitutional convention. Our discussion was animated but friendly and I asked him if he, as a Christian, made it a practice to pray for those who rule over us. In I Timo thy 2:1-4, we are exhorted that prayer should be made for all who are in authority over us. Officials of govern ment bear the heavy burdens of re sponsibility. My friend responded that occa sionally he had prayed for the Presi dent and Governor and Congress. I then asked if he had ever prayed for guidance from God for the Supreme Court. He confessed that he had never asked for Divine direction for the Court. At appropriate opportunities since I have asked other Christians privately if they had prayed for Di vine help for the Justices in their weighty deliberations. I found great neglect everywhere. In the weeks and months ahead, the nine Justices have many difficult controversies scheduled for decision. Several of these will preserve or limit our religious rights or liberties as American citizens. How earnestly every Christian citi zen should give thanks that we have the protection of a Court and the Constitution and ask God to guide these men as they set forth their in terpretations of our American con stitutional liberties. Appointed for life, never required to come to the people for election, the Justices are set apart with supreme power. But they are human and they need divine direction. We should not neglect to pray for these men who exercise so great a power over us. I Samuel 2:23 tells that there are times when ceasing to pray is a sin.
Instruction material includes direc tor's manual, teachers’ guides, pu pils’ workbooks. Visual aids include 2 flannelgraph missionary stories and 2 flash card stories in color (4 cards each). E sp e cia lly geared fo r the smaller school with small budget, limited equipment and staff. At your local bookstore or descrip tive literature available from:
M um SunlaySctioM llion
1816 Chestnut Street, Dept. KV63 Philadelphia 3, Pa.
"A College of Distinction Spacious Campus ★ Sports ★ A Consecrated Faculty Choir A Clubs Majors • Bible • Missions • Pastorology • Evangelism • Greek • Music • Christian Education Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog
Owatonna, Minnesota
B IBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY HAVE YOU HEARD of God’s moral government? WHY was “ Operation Atonement” given priority over the “ laying of the foundation o f the world?” WHY was Christ’s Resurrection, which we celebrate at this season, more momentous than His virgin birth and His vicarious death on the cross? You will find the ANSWERS to these and many more such VITAL QUESTIONS in DR. DAVID L. COOPER’S book “MAN . . . His Creation, Fall, Redemption and Glorification” 1S1 pages — Paper, $1.50 — Cloth, $2.50 Order from BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY ASSOCIATES Dept. KB, 4005 Verdugo Road, Los Angeles 65, California
FOR PASTORS ONLY (See page 27)
APRIL, 1963
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