King's Business - 1963-04

RADIO BIBLE CLASS Silver Anniversary

To God be the glory, great things He hath done! The year 1963 marks twenty-five years of continuous broadcasting of the Radio Bible Class. Beginning with one small station, the program now is heard each week on the ABC radio network, other regional networks, and hundreds of leading independent stations. The Our Daily Bread broadcasts are heard each weekday Monday through Friday on selected independent stations. The printed ministry for 1962 exceeded five million copies of the devotional guide and sermon booklets. We thank the many friends who, under God, have made this possible. We desire no credit, for it is all the grace of God. “ This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).


BIBLE CONFERENCES Each year in various parts of the country, thousands are afforded the opportunity to see and hear Dr. DeHaan and Richard DeHaan in person. While Radio Bible Class is best known by radio and literature, this third phase — Bible Conferences — is an essential and vital part of this worldwide Gospel ministry.

LITERATURE The printing and distribution of handy, pocket-size booklets of the radio sermons has grown hand-in-hand with the broadcast ministry down through the years. The devotional guide Our Daily Bread was introduced in 1956. These two publications, plus a newsletter, are sent to many thousands automatically each month through the Membership Mailing List.

RADIO For a quarter of a century, listeners have tuned their radios each Sunday to the solid Bible-teaching ministry of Or. M. R. DeHaan. Associated with him is his son, Richard W. DeHaan, who conducts the devotional program Our Daily Bread. The ministry of the Word is enhanced by the musical contributions of Clair Hess and Henry Bosch.

TH IS AD A P P E A R S THRU TH E C O U R T ESY O F A F R IE N D R A D I O B I B L E C L A S S * P . 0 . BOX 2 2 , G R A N D R A P I D S , M I C H I G A N


APRIL, 1963

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