King's Business - 1963-04


(for only pennies a day) and you

B i l l , a b u s in e s s m a n , invited one of his unsaved associates to his home for dinner. Bill had been wit­ nessing to Jim and he hoped that this would give an opportunity to invite Jim to receive Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. After dinner, they engaged in the usual conversation. During a pause, Bill asked Jim, “What do you think about Jesus Christ?” Never before had he asked his friend directly about his beliefs. Then in a simple, under­ standable way, Bill presented the way to become a Christian. At the con­ clusion, Jim and Bill bowed their heads in prayer and asked Jesus to come into the heart and life of Jim. Prayer was answered and Jim became a redeemed child of God. Bill is a Christian who takes seriously Christ’s command to be His witness. It is the most important thing in his life . . . indeed it is his life! Ann, a young lady, called on her unsaved aunt. She too was a witness­ ing Christian. During the visit, she told her aunt how wonderful it was to be a Christian. She deftly wove the Gospel into their conversation. Her aunt became deeply interested and asked some serious personal ques­ tions. Ann asked earnestly, “Why don’t you become a Christian and let God help you with your problems?” Her aunt consented and together they prayed that God would forgive her sins and come into her life. It was Ann’s responsibility to witness to her aunt, and every Christian’s respon­ sibility is the same. Jesus Christ had commissioned her to be His witness when she received Him as her Sav­ iour. This was her life! What would happen if every Chris­ tian fulfilled his calling to be a wit­ ness for Jesus Christ? What would happen if you personally assumed this responsibility? Why shouldn’t you? When He spoke the word of forgiveness to you and gave you all the rights and privileges as a child of God, He also invited you to share the heartbreak and passion to win other lost people. You have received the Lord’s commission to be His wit­ ness. This is your life as well as Bill’s and Ann’s.

. . . because you give a boy or girl—rescued from the streets and alleys—an opportunity to live and be brought up in a Christian environment. For only $10 your sponsorship pro­ vides food, shelter, clothing, medical care, school tuition and the kind o f care which only Christ-motivated love can give. These waifs were brought to our homes, deserted, friendless, many ill from neglect and exposure. They need someone like you to sponsor them, to make it possible for them to live and grow up in a Christian home. Today we have more than 2,000 unsponsored orphans in our Homes. DO WHAT YOUR HEART TELLS YOU TO DO Select one of these as your own orphan. Become a “Mother,” “Daddy,” “Big Sister” or “Big Brother” to one who eagerly awaits “adoption.” Perhaps a friend would like to share the cost with you; or consider your Sunday school class, ladies group or some other organization in your church for sponsor­ ship as a missionary project. A NEW EXPERIENCE AND BLESSING FOR YOU The orphan you select will know you as a sponsor. You will receive the child’s photograph, address and life story. If the child is not old enough to write, some member of the staff will do so. Sponsors tell us o f the joy and blessing these per­ sonal contacts have brought to their lives.

Hea Kyung (J-3)

Dong Jin (J-4)

FOUND BY AN AMERICAN SOLDIER Kim Yung Jin (J-7)— the whereabouts of his parents are unknown. Only informationavail­ able is that father was a farmer. Yung walked the streets, begged, and slept wherever he could find shelter. He was found by an American soldier and brought to Holy Nurture Orphanage. Kim Yung Jin (J-7)

COMPASSION’S RESPONSIBILITY... To care for more than 17,500 Korean orphans. To m aintain 166 orphanages, supervised and s ta ffe d by Bible-believing Christians. To serve more than 22,000,000 meals each year. Aw arded highest recognition by the Korean government.

Ae (J-S)




□ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number_______ _ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a simitar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ G irl. With God’s help I w ill send $10 a month. Please send my child's name, picture, ad­ dress and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $------------ □ Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.”

EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director

Name _

Address. _________________________________ City _____________ Zone ____ State __________ Gifts of any amount are welcome. AU gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COMPASSION (Tin Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn, Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Eat 1952 Dept. K43 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago 34, 111.


APRIL, 1963

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