who is pastoring a church located in a small town or rural area. A number of experiences are related which should prove helpful to younger men facing similar problems. Several shortcomings were noted. One was a problem of style. The au thor constantly used the “ editorial we” in expressing his opinion. Such statements as “we believe,” “ our ad vice,” “ our judgment” could have been omitted. A positive statement without a personal reference would have added forcefulness. Some inconsistencies were apparent. The author suggests rather severe dis cipline for those guilty of “unbelief and doctrinal error” (p. 166) yet asks, “ Should all choir members be Chris tians?” He answers, “ Preferably, yes” but he leaves the door open for “ possi ble exceptions” (p. 108). 168 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95 — Re viewed by Dr. Glenn O’Neal, professor Talbot Theological Seminary. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) YEAR OF DECISION by Anna Schroeder. 214 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. A Christian novel with a prominent element of nursing in it, and r>o wonder for the author is a nurse. A hospital experience brings the hero to know Christ. DEAR PAPA by Thyra Ferre Bjorn. 191 pages; cloth; Holt, Rinehart & W inston, New York; $3.50. This is the author of Papa's Wife« Papa's Daughter, and Mama's Way. Need one say more? Beautifully designed and continuing the story into her later years, with "so much fact and so much fictio n ." UNDERSTANDING COMMUNISM, A STUDY MANUAL by James D. Bales. 88 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. The author is Professor of Bible at Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas. He sets the movement in tne light of Biblical revelation, and reveals its tac tics in general and in relation to religion. Questions make it a useful book for personal or group study. SEEDS IN THE WIND by Frank S. Cook. 187 pages; paper; World Radio Missionary Fellow ship, P.O. Box 691, Miami 47, Fla.; no price listed. This is the thrilling story of the develop ment and m inistry of Radio Station HCJB at Quito, Ecuador. LITTLE ONES TO HIM BELONG by Lenore Beck Frimoth. 96 pages; cloth; John Knox Press, Richmond, V a.; $2.50. The story of a little g irl, a victim of cancer, who went through her ordeal with a sm ile and great blessing to her parents and others. THE EPISTLES OF JOHN by Lehman Strauss. 188 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $3.00. A warm, faithful exposition of these three Epistles. Dr. Strauss is well known as one of the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference speak ers. REFUGEE; THE SEETHING CAULDRON OF POLITICAL VICTIMS IN TROUBLE SPOTS AROUND THE WORLD by Donald E. Hope, Paul B. Peterson, and L. LaVerne Donaldson. 176 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.50. The three co-authors are all fam iliar wth refugee problems. These unfortunate victim s of the ores- ent world conflict constitute a mission field in themselves, and the Lord is working wonders among them. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip tive books and record catalogs tvill be sent upon request.
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APRIL, 1963
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