King's Business - 1963-04

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by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College is no doubt that it is practicable,” he added. He said it would be electronic­ ally controlled and almost any nor­ mal household task could be entrust­ ed to it. It would look like a box, with mechanical arms and three legs. Among the chores it would be able to do, he listed setting the table, making beds, pushing a vacuum cleaner and preparing vegetables. Underage Drinking Prevalent1 in Spite of Laws A study of teen-agers has disclosed that New York State’s alcohol law has not prevented children under 18 from drinking. The survey, which in­ volved 1,132 children 14 to 18 years old in six communities, indicated that 59 per cent had been introduced to alcohol at home. The report con­ cluded that children who normally misbehaved were more likely to drink than others. Mexico Cautions New Leftist Group The Government has issued a quiet warning to the newlv-created leftist p e a s an t organization, Independent Campesina Central, and to former President Lazaro Cardenas not to dis­ turb constitutional order. The first in­ dication of official thinking came re­ cently in the Administration party organ, El National. An editorial noted that organizing and belonging to such a group were essentially a personal matter and beyond official intervention. It added, however, “ the only inadmissable thing in all this world would be that the new organ­ ization should have an objective to subvert constitutional order.” The editorial concluded: “We are certain that the new organization not only has avoided such an objective but also would be incapable of having one, because it could not count on suffi­ cient force.” Independent Campesina Central was created recently as a congress in which Mr. Cardenas was a principal speaker. The congress was held in a pro-Cuban anti-United States atmosphere. It warned the government either to begin solving peasant problems quickly, especially land distribution, or face a nation- w i d e peasant demonstration next May 1.

Coulson Shepherd, Director I TelMyPeople1 For 27 years we have been telling Israel of her Messiah over So and more radio stations at home and abroad. Personal follow-up by oar

Peking Demands a Rise in Output

The Communist Chinese Govern­ ment has warned its people to pre­ pare for 1963 as a year of struggle against a wide range of defects in the national economy. Chief among the deficiencies is the low level of pro­ duction in both industry and agricul­ ture, according to an analysis of cur­ rent conditions by Jenmin Jihpoa, the Chinese Communist party’s official daily newspaper in Peking. “ All party members, all functionaries and the whole people should fully under­ stand,” the newspaper article stated, “ that although our work of readjust­ ment has gained much success and our economy is improving daily, the production level of our agriculture and industry still remains low and we are confronted with a good many difficulties.” The newspaper which is the chief organ of the Chinese Com­ munist policy makers, called for a supreme effort to increase the output of light industries serving agriculture. An official Lutheran observer at the Vatican Council said recently that the meeting of Roman Catholic pre­ lates had prepared the way for “ great and encouraging changes” in their church. The observer, Dr. George A. Lindbeck, who is on leave from Yale University, attended the Council’s opening two-month session in Rome on behalf of the Lutheran World Federation. “ It can be hoped,” he said in an article written for the Federa­ tion, that the second session later this year “ will do much to reform the Roman Catholic Church on its wor­ ship, its theology and preaching, its organization, and in its relation to other churches and the world.” Mechanical Housemaid Predicted The average family of the nineteen seventies will be able to buy an effi­ cient three-legged mechanical “ house­ maid” for about $2,000, according to a British engineering professor now visiting Australia. Professor M. W. Thring of Sheffield University stated that the “ housemaid” would take about 10 years to develop. “ But there Lutheran Sees Big Changes Following Vatican Council

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