F o e a n u m b e r of years there was held (in Los Angeles) a monthly Premillennial Fellowship meeting, at which Bible teachers brought timely messages on prophetic themes. Al though these gatherings have been discontinued for some time, it was felt recently that they served a real need and should be reactivated. A luncheon to discuss such action was called by Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President o f Biola Schools, at the La Mirada Campus. It was decided to move ahead with plans for the inauguration of month ly meetings of the Premillennial Fellowship at La Mirada. A steering committee was appointed with the following members: Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, Pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church, Covina; Dr. Milton Gould, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Downey; Dr. Joseph Hemphill, Pas tor, San Gabriel Union Church, San Gabriel; Dr. Charles W. Mayes, Pas tor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach; and Dr. Lowell Wendt, Pas tor, Hope Union 'Church, Rosemead, Chairman. Others attending were Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland; Dr. James H. Chris tian, Dean o f Biola College; Rev. Robert Coburn, Pastor, First Bap tist Church, Buena P a r k ; Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean o f Talbot Seminary; Dr. James 0 . Henry, Pro fessor at Biola College and Talbot Seminary; Rev. Lewis Hohenstein, Pastor, First Brethren C h u r c h , Whittier; Rev. Ward Miller, Pastor, Community Brethren Church, Whit tier; and Dr. George Vouga, Direc tor o f the Conservative Baptist As sociation o f Southern California. The first public meeting o f the Fellowship will be held after Easter. Time and speaker will be announced at an early date.
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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business mage- zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. MISSIONARIES WANTED We need the consecration and the help of certain key missionaries here in La Puente. Our's is the task of the evangelization of the Mexican. We need the following: • Secretary for the office • Printer or someone to learn • Bible bookstore manager • Carpenter and all around const, man Each new worker must raise his own support in exactly the same way other missionaries do before entering the work. We can help in procuring support. Write today to: Instituto Evangélico Box 3333, La Puente, California
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