for men and women who have *300, *500, *1,000 or more...
Following is a report of the results of this year’s work of sending our used Christian reading including THE KING’S BUSINESS: Decisions for Christ in 1962........ 597 Workers added in 1962 .................t 46 Inquiries in 1962 ............................255 The workers are both nationals and missionaries who wish the reading for personal profit^ We have never dared say much about this feature as we know we would be flooded as we find that most workers go out there without spiritual supplies. The inquirers are asked to read four magazines and hand them on to three other persons, thus spreading the good news and sometimes getting a decision for Christ. If your readers like this idea of the second use of Christian reading we are in need of your magazines, especially the year 1962, and this one coming up as soon as they are through with their copies. Logan Papworth, Manager, Christian Salvage Mission, Inc., Howell, Michigan SOCIAL DANCING In many public schools students are re quired to participate in social dancing. In other places the students are not required to dance, but are made to feel peculiar or strange by the attitude of the teacher. Sometimes non-dancers are penalized in other ways such as lower grades, etc. We feel an alternate activity should be pro vided during these periods. We are concerned about this situation and we wonder if other Christians would like to join us in writing letters to our new State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mr. Max Rafferty, Sacramento, California, and their city and county boards of educa tion. It is suggested that letters to the State Superintendent be sent by registered mail with return receipt requested. Mrs. Ernest C. Wolters, Riverside, California Let me thank you for printing my pastor’s article on “ Successful Soul Win ning” in your January issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. However, did you realize that his name was Mark Dicker- son and not Mark Davidson? I felt you would want to know this correction. Gladys Cleveland, Trinity Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan. NEW SUBSCRIBER I would like to receive a one-year sub scription to your magazine. My neighbor just gave me her January copy. I now have on my kitchen wall “Who is a Wit ness for Christ?” that was in that issue. So now I must have a subscription to this wonderful Christian magazine. Mrs. C. A. Leonard, La Mesa, California SOUL W INN ING ARTIC LE A CORRECTION
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