message from the editor Ä
“ I a p p r e c i a t e STONY BROOK’ S Scholarship A id” says Glenn Jamison Tanta, Egypt
THIS IS INCREDIBLE In 1953, a book entitled The Sun and the Umbrella was pre sented to the Christian public. Its author was Dr. Nels Ferre’, then professor o f philosophical theology at Vanderbilt University School o f Religion. It caused something o f a stir at that time, due to the fact that it was both widely condemned and stoutly defended by the various segments o f the professing Protestant church. Rarely has a book ever appeared which struck harder at the very vitals o f historic Christianity than did this book. It constitutes a vicious attack upon the person and work o f our Lord Jesus Christ, upon the Bible as the Word o f God, upon the church o f Jesus Christ in its historical aspect and, indeed, upon almost all o f the basic tenets o f Protestanism as they have been known and believed by devout Christians through the centuries. O f course, there have been infidels and skeptics in every generation who have raised their voices against the very doctrines that are blasted into by the author o f The Sun and the Umbrella. But whereas these men o f a past generation, such as Thomas Paine, Robert Ingersoll, Francois Voltaire and those who preceded them in earlier generations o f the Christian era, attacked the church o f Jesus Christ from without, this present author would like to think that he is well within the fold o f the church and in deed that he is a part o f the church o f Jesus Christ. Hence he claims to be knocking at the foundations o f the Christian church from within. But somehow his objections to the great truths o f historic Christianity have the same hollow and shallow ring that these in fidels who preceded him reveal in their writings. Incidentally, it is strange indeed that no denomination or cult has ever grown up and established churches based upon the ideology o f such infidels o f previous generations. They were, in large measure, lost voices cry ing in the wilderness. Comparatively few ever rallied to their Christ- denying cause or followed them in their lonely cries o f unbelief. But the most remarkable part o f it all is that in this generation, one like the author o f The Sun and the Umbrella could speak and write from within the Protestant church and be so widely acclaimed and encouraged in his blasphemous statements by contemporary church leaders.
The School is operated not for profit but to render service in the field of Christian edu cation. Because of endowment income and the annual contributions of generous friends, the School is able to maintain a tuition rate lower than that of most schools in its class. Each year a large amount of scholarship aid is granted on evidence of the character, abil ity and earnest purpose of the applicant, and the financial need. While this policy applies especially to sons of ministers, missionaries, and other Christian workers, it is by no mwinfl limited to such boys. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of • purpose. By intelligent appnca- 4 tion of this Christian program, in i both administration and teach- ,gv ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- j/B tgf tinctive contribution to American V W education. I K S . D r . F r a n k E. G a e b e l e in jja B S B Headmaster ~ i J n F i T For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Oept. 80 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island • New York CHRISTIAN SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED Qualified teachers interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE, Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 28, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free WHEATON ACADEMY welcomes qualified applicants . . .
L o ca te d on a w ood ed , 33 -a cre campus, six miles northwest of Wheaton, Illinois .. . the Academy offers academic preparation for schools of higher education. Fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Second ary Schools, it provides for your son’s and daughter’s all-around de velopm ent-intellectual, spiritual, social and physical life. Writ* or phono today for admission and placomont proctduro—Phono 231-0727 WHEATON ACADEMY, Dept. K43 Box 267 Whoaton, Illinois
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