The Alleynian 702 2014

CAN COLLECTIVE WORSHIP BE JUSTIFIED IN SCHOOLS? TOMMY CURRAN JONES This essay examines the legislature around mandatory collective worship in state-run schools and the relevance of such worship. Current legislation demands that worship be broadly of a Christian nature and this essay looks at whether this is still reasonable in 21st-century Britain. The essay also considers the impact of compulsory worship on pupils and teachers. The data collected from various reports shows a widely negative attitude towards the current policy regarding school worship, with it being considered likely to cause offence to religious groups. My conclusion, shared by many teachers, is that while there should be collective assemblies for all students, these should be secular in nature. Although religion was once the uniting factor for students in schools, this is no longer the case and so the legislation needs to be amended accordingly. BACH’S USE OF ALTERATIONS TO RITORNELLO AND FORTSPINNUNGIN THE ALLEGRO OF ‘BRANDENBURG CONCERTO NO. 5’ ED EDWARDS It is certainly true that Bach had an unparalleled mastery of the technicalities of music; a uniquely mathematical perspective on the shape and movement of his melodies. This has led some people to call into question the emotional value in Bach’s works. This essay looks at what Bach did to extend the duration of his pieces in order to increase the quality of his worship of God, to whom all his music was dedicated. Since an analysis of Bach’s oeuvre would need considerably more work than a single essay, I have focused my points on the first movement (the Allegro) of ‘Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV 1050’, as it is, even more conspicuously than others, an example of Bach’s unconventional compositional methods.

IS THE GREAT GATSBY UNADAPTABLE? THOMAS HAMMOND Several attempts have been made over the years to adapt Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby into a successful film. None, however, have yet been considered to reach the levels of greatness of the original novel. This essay will explore perhaps the two most notable attempts to adapt the novel (by Jack Clayton in 1974 and Baz Luhrmann in 2013), analysing what both directors have failed to capture from the original text, focusing specifically on their directorial style, and examining how they have each tackled key scenes from the novel. The essay will also question whether it is indeed possible to deliver an adaptation of the novel which lives up to the high expectations of critics and the populace alike.

“...Bach had an unparalleled mastery of the technicalities of music; a uniquely mathematical perspective on the shape and movement of his melodies.”

A CLOCKWORK UNIVERSE: ARE ALL ACTIONS AND OCCURRENCES PRE- DETERMINED BY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS? MARCO IOVINO Does the current state of the universe combined with the laws of mechanics uniquely determine the future state of the universe as if it were clockwork? In this essay, I attempt to understand what makes the universe tick by exploring physical theories that propose that the universe is either deterministic or indeterministic. The review covers the topics of Newtonian classical mechanics, chaos theory and quantum mechanics in an attempt to get just a glimpse of this immensely complex debate. I strive to transfer these intricate concepts into a simpler form and have aimed to challenge the assumptions of many. That is, chaos theory may not destroy a deterministic Newtonian model and there is not simply one empirically correct interpretation of quantum mechanics. This essay therefore undermines the misconception that we can state with absolute certainty both that our actions are not predetermined and that some occurrences are inherently random.


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