Illinois Legal Aid Online Annual Report FY21

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021 July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021

Vision A just society where all people can live safe, secure, and equal lives.

Purpose We simplify the law so people can seek justice.

Mission Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) increases access to justice by breaking barriers of race, language, income, education, and geography, for families and individuals with civil legal problems in Illinois, who cannot find or afford lawyers. Using innovation, we provide legal opportunities for Illinoisans who are most in need of justice. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) is open to all. Working with and helping people with a wide variety of lived experience brings us closer to meeting our ideal of a society where all people can get justice. Because our services and products—like the law—are for everyone, we believe in including everyone. We know that justice is scarcest for those who need it most. People with intersectionalities of historically oppressed identities face the greatest barriers to justice. ILAO seeks to break these barriers. ILAO believes that, equipped with the right tools, opportunities, and connections, people can shift the power differentials and use the law to get justice. Inclusion, equity, and diversity are key in our work to champion opportunities, equality, and justice for those who need it most. As a community and individuals, we honor and respect differences; practice equity; and support the professional development and wellness of our colleagues.

We simplify the law so people can get justice.

2021 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (as of 6/2021) David Hambourger (Chair) Chief Information Officer Chapman and Cutler Sean Kruskol (Vice-Chair) Senior Manager Cornerstone Research Renee McMahon (Treasurer) Vice President Charles River Associates Matthew Wirig (Secretary) Partner | Chapman & Cutler LLP Karim Basaria Associate | Sidley & Austin Craig Boston Attorney at Law John Bradway Technical Product Development Leader Independent Consultant Amos Budde Fish Town Analytics Kristina Hendricks Partner | Kirkland & Ellis LLP Catherine Herrmann Prairie State Legal Services (ret.) Alison Larson Strategic Pricing & Risk Manager Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg Rich Lee CEO & Co-Founder | New Era ADR, Inc. Greg Leighton Partner | Quarles & Brady Bruce Lithgow Partner | Major, Lindsey & Africa Anand Mathew Partner | Palmersheim & Mathew LLP Sandy Morris Counsel | Valentine Austriaco & Bueschel, P.C. Robert Newman Co-Chair, Privacy, Security & Data Innovations | Loeb & Loeb LLP Chris Petrini-Poli Executive Chairman | HBR Consulting Heather Russell Executive Vice President / Chief Legal Officer | TransUnion Jennifer Woods Associate General Counsel Kraft Heinz Corporation

Board and Executive Director Letter 2021 represented a year of challenges, change, and opportunities. Throughout the State of Illinois, the continuing global pandemic had only exasperated inequities in our society. Housing uncertainty, financial insecurity, unemployment, and a lack of access to justice have been a heavy burden to many. But through these unprecedented times, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) remains a steadfast source of hope and help, meeting these challenges head on, and improving the lives of Illinoisans. We welcome you to our fiscal year 2021 Annual Report, where we invite you to witness our progress during the year, and the unique and crucial role that ILAO plays in breaking barriers to justice for those who need it most. We present highlights of a year that not only represents a turning point in ILAO’s growth, but also marks the start of our 20th anniversary. In celebrating our 20th anniversary, we honor upon the amazing contributions made by the thousands of stakeholders throughout the years who have molded ILAO into what it is today. ILAO stands as a nationally recognized leader in innovation, designed to meet the legal needs of people for whom a lawyer is out of reach. For twenty years, ILAO has been a unique and indispensable part of legal services delivery to millions of Illinoisans in all corners of the state. Our mission—to increase access to justice for Illinoisans in need—would not be possible without the unwavering support and stewardship of our board of directors, the generosity of our benefactors, the commitment of our partners, and the selfless dedication of our staff and volunteers. We thank you and look forward to the next twenty years.


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

Innovating: ILAO Year by Year


2007 Apple launches iPhone Amazon launches Kindle Mortgage foreclosure crisis begins

March 3: ILAO starts as Illinois Technology Center for Law and the Public Interest 6 months later, Apple releases the iPod 55% of American adults use the internet

2008 Blockchain goes live, supports the launch of Bitcoin 74% of American adults own a computer or laptop Tesla releases its first electric car

2003 Skype launches ILAO’s websites log 297,000 visits iTunes Music Store opens for business 55% of American households have internet access 2005 First video uploaded to YouTube 68% of American adults use the internet Google launches mapping services , an internet phone program, and an effort to digitize books from some of the world’s largest libraries 2006 ILAO wins the first Technology Leadership Award presented by Accenture and Lumity for

2009 ILAO launches its LiveHelp chat program to help users find what they need to seek justice. This program continues today—a team of 50+ volunteers help more than 100 website users per day find answers and tools they seek to exercise their legal rights

2010 Instagram launches

ILAO receives the ABA Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access and the Paul H. Chapman Award for significant contribution to the improvement of access

to justice in America. WhatsApp launches

Nintendo Wii and XBox 360 launch ILAO partners with Illinois Coalition for Equal Justice (ICEJ) to develop

2011 Nest introduces its first thermostat SnapChat launches as ‘Picaboo’

and establish technology-based legal self-help centers in county courthouses and public libraries across the state. Facebook opens to anyone over the age of 13


We simplify the law so people can get justice.

2012 ILAO launches a Spanish- language website , ILAO’s Spanish-language legal services continue to be some

2017 is featured as the ‘best in show’

by the ABAJournal ILAO’s new Crime Victim Portal won Best in Show award for @ChicagoBarAssoc Legal Tech Innovator Showcase Nintendo Switch released

of the most robust found anywhere in the country 83% of American adults use the internet ILAO and ICEJ now support Legal Self-Help Centers

in 98 of Illinois’ 102 counties. Google launches Google Drive

2019 90% of American adults use the internet 100% of American adults age 18–29 use the internet 96% of Americans own a cell phone Americans send 2.1 billion text messages 1.52 billion smartphones sold in U.S. 2020 ILAO supports Legal Self-Help Centers in 184 locations in 99 counties . March: Illinois Governor declares a public health emergency and issues a shelter-in-place order

2013 ILAO received the Innovation Award in the Pro Bono category for outstanding achievement in integrating technology into legal work to help lawyers deliver services to clients. The system is now a part of ILAO’s Get Legal Help tool, one of the most robust triage and intake systems for legal services in the nation. Ring doorbell gets introduced on Shark Tank . Zoom is released. 2015 Two-thirds of American adults own a smartphone. January 1: Illinois Criminal Identification Act takes effect, significantly expanding the types of convictions that can be sealed; ILAO’s criminal records information sees an 82% increase in 2015– 2016, over the prior period.

2021 ILAO kicks off its 20th Anniversary Celebration —how will we change history this year?

2016 ILAO launches the new , consolidating

5 websites into a single, web- friendly portal and migrating its platform from a dying technology (Cold Fusion) to a vibrant, global one (Drupal) Venmo hits the big time


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

Client Testimonial

Hola amigas y amigos, Our names are Ginna and Oscar. We are political asylees from Columbia. As victims of the armed conflict, we fled our country, leaving our jobs, our family, and our friends. Three years ago, we came to the Chicago area. We felt peace having escaped our perpetrators, but we were unsure about our future. Imagine how you would feel if you had to run from the familiar to the unknown. Finding Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) was a light during dark, challenging times. We faced many issues in our transition to a new country. ILAO provided us with vital legal help in our native tongue. We arrived in America with a will to survive and help others, like us. Today we are lucky. We have jobs, we have a roof over our heads, we have food on our table. We have come a long way in three years. We now volunteer with ILAO as community navigators, educating other Spanish-speakers about their legal rights. Paying it forward is important to us. We share our stories so others may benefit from ILAO. We help so people can lead a better, more dignified life. Because of ILAO’s generous donors like you, we received help and hope. We share our story so you will hear from the people ILAO helps. Your support of ILAO means a lot to us—and to the 3 million others who come to ILAO each year, seeking justice. ILAO believes in justice for all—not just for those who can afford a lawyer. We are grateful to ILAO and to you for supporting this wonderful organization. ILAO was our light in the night. By supporting ILAO, you are supporting us. And so many others. We came to America to escape the fear and danger that we experienced in Columbia. America is the land of opportunity. Thanks to ILAO, we found opportunities, and now share ILAO with others seeking justice. You can learn about us through our video at . Les deseamos felices fiestas.


We simplify the law so people can get justice.

Who We Serve

9% Did not disclose

15% Black

77% White

25% Black



18% Hispanic

10% Hispanic

2% Multi-racial

2020 Census

3% Multi-racial

6% Asian

4% Asian

49% White

63% Illinoisans who find ILAO via their mobile phone during nights or weekends when traditional offices are closed

88% People who used ILAO’s Get Legal Help tool fall below 300% of the federal poverty line

1295 Illinois zip codes served by ILAO last year (95%)

FREE TO ALL Everyone is eligible for ILAO’s help—there are no income or other eligibility requirements. There is no paywall, or demand that users surrender their personal information to gain access. Because of this, the people who ILAO serves may choose to remain anonymous, giving them a greater sense of control over their lives, at a time when they need it most.


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

Year in Review

CASE STUDY: VOTING RIGHTS (SEPTEMBER–NOVEMBER 2020) Amplifying voices. Building hope. Disenfranchise. /disənˈfran(t)SHīz/ Verb. To deprive (someone) of the right to vote .

Only 16 states reinstate voting rights to people after serving prison time—Illinois is one of them. This is a small, but important, concession offered to help mitigate the permanent and disproportionate effects of our broken criminal justice system. Even though our black neighbors make up 15% of Illinois’ population, they make up 56% of our state’s incarcerated people. Leading up to the election, ILAO helped 10k+ learn about voting rights for formerly incarcerated people. People don’t often know about or understand their legal rights—especially those in under- resourced communities. ILAO makes learning your rights as easy as a google search from a mobile.



We simplify the law so people can get justice.

“[ILAO] Gave me confidence to begin confronting legal issues.”


• Campaign strategy: digital plus local outreach and flyering • ILAO helped nearly 80,000 people understand the rental assistance programs offered in FY21. We distilled the eligibility criteria and application process into understandable steps in three languages. ILAO’s community navigators hit the streets to get the word out in Illinois neighborhoods with a high percentage of renters. • As a result, we connected over 15,000 tenants and landlords to the state’s application portal. “On behalf of myself and my tenant, I want to say thank you for this program. It has helped tenants and landlords maintain homes and pay mortgages for those homes during a very difficult time for many families. I hope that funds will allow this program to continue, as there are many families still in need of assistance. Thank you, Rebecca Louis.”


“[ILAO] Teaches us what our legal rights are and what we can do to help protect ourselves in the legal system.”


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

Thank you, FY21 donors FY21 was a year of unforeseen challenges brought about by the pandemic, which exposed our societal inequities. Thanks to our generous donors, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) raised more money and offered more help and hope to our Illinois neighbors and communities most affected by the pandemic. We could not have accomplished all that we did without these generous donors.*

Donor Profiles

HEATHER RUSSELL Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, TransUnion How did you first learn about ILAO? Jon Wasserman introduced me to ILAO when he asked me to host the annual benefit in 2019. I joined the Board of Directors later that year. Why did you first give to or get involved with ILAO? Through the process of hosting the 2019 benefit, I learned about the vital work that ILAO does and the thousands of needy Illinoisans who are helped every day. The more I learned, the more I knew that this was the organization to which I was going to devote my time, energy, and effort. What about ILAO most resonates with you? The theme of last year’s benefit—a Light in the Night— encapsulates what resonates with me the most. ILAO provides hope and help during people’s darkest and challenging times.

Why do you contribute to ILAO? Contributing to ILAO allows my donations to reach as many Illinoisans as possible. ILAO’s scalable

platform provides legal aid around the clock when people need it most. Why should others give to or get involved with ILAO? For all the reasons I explained! What law would you abolish if you could? What law would you create? I would abolish any law that limits transgender people from fully participating in society and I would create a law that protects such discrimination. Why did you first give to and get involved with ILAO? I was moved by the importance of the mission of ILAO, and the opportunity that it provides to so many Illinoisans. There are so many barriers to getting justice—ILAO seeks to break them and make justice attainable for people who are farthest removed from it. What about ILAO most resonates with you? The self-help and empowerment that ILAO provides to people who can’t afford a lawyer or find a legal aid or pro bono lawyer to help.

LIISA THOMAS Partner at Sheppard Mullin, based in Chicago and London, and Lead of the firm’s Privacy and Cybersecurity team. How did you first hear about ILAO? From former Board member Todd Flaming—I joined the Board of Directors in 2006.


We simplify the law so people can get justice.

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Kimball R. and Karen Gatsis Anderson Anonymous IV Ashton Kourtney Baltzer Karim Basaria and Sobia Ansari Mary and Brad Bell Mara Berkland

José González Daniel Graham Erik Gruber Marcelo Halpern Joy and Dave Hambourger Brent and Kristina Hendricks Jack and Catherine Herrmann Alison Larson Bruce Lithgow Michael D. Lurie Anand Mathew Mike and Renee McMahon HaystackID Kirkland & Ellis LLP KLDiscovery Legility Litera Loeb & Loeb LLP Major, Lindsey & Africa

Samuel Mendenhall Sandy L. Morris and Derrick Sandford Paul Myers Michael Nebrich Robert Newman Courtney and Jillayne Nottage Chris Petrini-Poli James Power Chad Riley Teri Ross Robert Ross Heather J. Russell

John Eric Schall Carleen Schreder Russell Scott

Elysia Solomon Dona Stewart Liisa Thomas Jeffrey Urdangen Michael Wasserman Matt and Christy Wirig Jennifer Woods

Amos Budde Nicholas Clay Gwendelyn Daniels Jon Elenius Nancy Gerrie


The Claro Group Thomson Reuters Thompson Coburn LLP Schuckit & Associates, PC

Chapman and Cutler LLP Charles River Associates CNA Cornerstone Research DLA Piper Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Perkins Coie LLP Quilling Selander Reed Smith LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP State Farm Insurance

Neal Gerber & Eisenberg, LLP

Strategic Law Leasing Group

FOUNDATION AND GOVERNMENT DONORS Administrative Office of Illinois Courts American College of Bankruptcy

Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois Public Interest Law Initiative Polk Bros Foundation Sidley Austin Foundation The Chicago Bar Foundation Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation

Illinois Access to Justice Illinois Bar Foundation Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Illinois Equal Justice Foundation Illinois Housing Development Authority

*Due to space constraints, donors whose contributions totaled $1,000 or more in FY21 are listed in this annual report. Please see our complete list of all FY21 donors and know that every gift makes a difference.


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

Financials JULY 1, 2020–JUNE 30, 2021

At ILAO we understand that we are stewards of the gifts made by donors and maintaining strong finances is critical to achieving our mission. A dedicated Finance Director and engaged Finance Committee oversee fiscal reporting and spending. We are continuously researching best industry best practices and staying abreast of changes in accounting rules. These robust practices have positioned ILAO to be in one of its strongest financial positions in its history and ready to meet the challenges of the next 20 years!

INCOME SOURCES Fiscal Year 2021



Foundations Contributions

Special Events Earned Revenue

Program Administration Fundraising

Technology Development Content Development Outreach/External Relations


Other Income

FINANCIAL STABILITY Days of Working Capital





$443,787 681,575 26,267 180,507

$446,992 1,160,446


Prepaid Expenses Net Website Asset Net Fixed Assets

26,730 223,179



Total Assets



Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Long Term Liabilities

$77,989 48,877


FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019

52,051 81,644


Total Liabilities



Net Assets



Total Liabilities and Net Assets




We simplify the law so people can get justice.

Volunteer Profile

ALISON LARSON Strategic Pricing and Risk Manager at Neal Gerber & Eisenberg LLP. I am also honored to serve as ILAO’s Board Chair from 2019–2021. How did you first hear about ILAO?

Why should others give to or get involved with ILAO? Because it is the most effective way to ensure

From former Board Chair Todd Flaming and Board member Veronica Gomez—I joined the Board of Directors in 2014. Why did you first give to and get involved with ILAO? Within the legal profession, ILAO is one of the few organizations actually willing to smash traditional stereotypes in order to ensure that people have access to the tools and information they need to protect themselves and their families. What about ILAO most resonates with you? Empowerment—ILAO empowers people with knowledge of the law and tools to help them use the law to assert their rights. Why do you still contribute to ILAO? Particularly since COVID—the need for such services has been highlighted. There are not enough attorneys or legal aid services affordable or available to people who need them.

that all people have access to legal help. What law would you abolish if you could? OR What law would you create? Election funding reform—eliminate PACs, provide public forums for message dissemination and enact (low) maximum “war chest” amounts based upon the scope of the size of the electorate for the office in question. The amount of money wasted on elections could feed the nation. Also would eliminate the electoral college as it no longer represents people— it represents regional biases.

Volunteer Stats • ILAO volunteers donated more than 3,000 hours to help keep our legal information accurate, translated, and findable. At $50/hour, that’s more than $150,000 ! • Legal content volunteers reviewed nearly 40,000 words • LiveHelp volunteers took more than 20,000 chats • Community navigators gave more than 250 know-your-rights presentations to nearly 10,000 people impacted by incarceration and immigration policies


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) •

ILAO in the News

For 20 years, Illinois Legal Aid Online has provided legal support for Illinois residents through the innovative use of technology. But our goal is greater than that, our role as a leading voice, preeminent advocate, and critical legal resource for the most vulnerable communities throughout Illinois has positioned us as a true agent of change. This year ILAO has continued to greatly expand its role as an indispensable legal resource for state-wide and national news media outlets including Associated Press, PBS NewsHour, Chicago Tribune, WBEZ, Chicago Reader, ABC7 Chicago, WCIA-Champaign, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin , The Pantagraph , WGN, and the Quad City Times, among others. Please visit to learn more.


We simplify the law so people can get justice.

Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) kicked off its 20th Anniversary celebration on March 8, 2021. Thank you to all those who have energized, challenged, and inspired ILAO over the years

to strive for real justice and equity. Learn more about our celebration at


Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO)

© 2021 Illinois Legal Aid Online. All rights reserved.

ILAO is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. ILAO’s tax identification number is 20-2917133.

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