2025 UK catalogue

Letters & Sounds Flash Cards For use in your daily phonics lessons, all the words used throughout Letters & Sounds are contained within these simple yet highly effective boxed sets of flash cards. The focus word is presented on one side and the word with 'sound buttons' on the other. Comes in a sturdy storage box with tabbed phoneme dividers. Cards measure 135mm x 60mm.

204 Cards

292 Cards

240 Cards

LT32* Phase 2 ������������������������������������� £24.99

LT33* Phase 3 ������������������������������������ £24.99

LT34* Phase 4 ������������������������������������ £24.99

232 Cards

250 Cards

182 Cards


ALTERNATIVE PRONUNCIATION CARDS This set covers the following Phase 5 Alternative Pronunciations: a /a/, /ai/ /ar/ /o/; e /e/ /ee/; i /i/ /igh/; o /o/ /oa/; u /u/ /yoo/ /oo/; ow /ow/ /oa/; ie / igh/ /ee/, ea /ee/ /igh/; er /schwa/ /ur/; ou /ou/ /oo/ /ou/ /oa/; y /y/ /igh/ /i/ / ee/; ch /ch/ /k/ /sh/, c /k/ /s/; g /g/ /j/; ey /ee/ /ai/ Alternative Spellings: /ai/ a ey; /ar/ a, /ee/ ea e ey ie y, /i/ i y, /igh/ ea i ie y, /j/ g; /k/ c ch; /o/ a, /oa/ o ou ow; /oo/ ou u; /s/ c; /sh/ ch; /ur/ er; /yoo/ u


LT35* Phase 5 ����������������������������������� £24.99

This set covers the following Phase 5 Alternative Spellings (not covered in the Alternative Pronunciation set): /ai/ ai ay a-e a ea ei; /air/ air are ear ere; /ar/ ar a al; /ch/ ch tch t(ure); /ear/ ear eer ere; /j/ j g dge ge; /m/ m mb mn, /n/ n gn kn; /oo/ oo u oul; /or/ or au ore oar oor al our augh; /r/ r wr; /s/ s c se ce st sc, /sh/ sh ch ti ci ssi; /u/ u o-e ou; /ur/ ur ir or ear; /v/ v ve; /z/ z zz se ze

284 Cards

Phase 2-3

191 Cards

Phase 4-5

MG50* Phases 2-3 (Economy Set) ......... £24.99 MG51* Phases 4-5 (Economy Set)����������� £19.99

LT153* Alternative Spellings ������������� £24.99

LT36* Alternative Pronunciations..... £24.99


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