ANZEF Impact Report 2023

ANZEF 2023 Impact Report

The Difference YOU Made

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. In recognition that RANZCO is a bi-national College, we acknowledge the Rangatiratanga of Māori as Tangata Whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand

From Our Chair

This has been an outstanding year for ANZEF with groundbreaking programs launched and partnerships established, and the creation of a new annual granting program. We were also delighted to welcome our Patron, Mrs Roslyn Packer AC. It is an honour to partner with you – our donors, Fellows, program partners and grant recipients – as we come together to make a difference now and in the future. Thank you for all your support this year. We look forward to continuing our collaboration for many years to come.

Dr John Kennedy Chair – ANZEF

L-R: First Nations medical students funded by ANZEF to attend 2023 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Eye Health Conference: Acacia Steel, Samuel Holland, Rory Vocale, Sorren Thomas, Kyle Robinson and Piper Brown, with Shaun Tatipata, Chair, First Nations Eye Health Alliance

ANZEF Impact Report 2023: the Power of Philanthropy and Collaboration The Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation (ANZEF) has seen a year of phenomenal progress. Committed to enhancing eye health outcomes and representation within First Nations communities and the broader global landscape in the Asia-Pacific region, ANZEF achieved significant milestones during this period. Key Achievements After setting its direction in the previous year, ANZEF embarked on an active program of fundraising, partnerships and grants. Key highlights include: f Launching a campaign to grow and empower a diverse First Nations ophthalmology workforce f Forging strong capacity building and outreach partnerships across First Nations and global eye health sectors f Welcoming Mrs Roslyn Packer AC as our Patron f Establishing ANZEF's inaugural grant round.

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“The future of increased workforce diversity within RANZCO and the development of a sustainable, robust Indigenous ophthalmic workforce bodes well for the future.” — Quote from A/Prof Kris Rallah- Baker in “From the Ground Up Building an Indigenous Ophthalmology Workforce”, mivision magazine, October 2023

Flagship Campaign: Empowering First Nations Ophthalmologists Recognising the pressing need for representation, self-determination, and cultural sensitivity in ophthalmology to close the gap in eye health among First Nations Peoples, ANZEF has established a platform to inspire and nurture First Nations medical students and junior doctors to pursue ophthalmology. This initiative specifically tackles the challenges faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pasifika medical students and junior doctors in accessing specialty training. ANZEF greatly appreciates its strong partnership with the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) and the invaluable input from Associate Professor Kris Rallah-Baker in Australia, Dr Justin Mora in Aotearoa New Zealand and other First Nations Fellows and trainees who have been instrumental in shaping this initiative. A substantial philanthropic donation from the Finemore Family in August 2022 laid the foundation for this initiative, propelling ANZEF to establish various Indigenous scholarships and awards. The ANZEF Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Vocational Training Program (VTP) Scholarship for RANZCO Trainees provides recipients with $30,000 over five years, alleviating the financial burden of specialist training fees. ANZEF covers the VTP selection application fee for all First Nations applicants in Australia and New Zealand and provides grants for RANZCO Congress and AIDA Conference attendance as well as mentoring and interview coaching workshops for Māori and Pasifika applicants to the VTP. The generosity of ANZEF's Patron, Mrs Roslyn Packer AC, through her philanthropic giving was also instrumental to kickstarting and promoting this campaign. ANZEF's collaboration with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Faculty of Medicine and Health and the Yarranabbe Foundation marked significant progress, with the establishment of the Yarranabbe-ANZEF Indigenous Award in Ophthalmology at UNSW. The Award offers scholarships of $10,000 each to fourth-year Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander medical students pursuing research in ophthalmology. These students will be supervised by ophthalmologists at the Prince of Wales Hospital/UNSW Ophthalmology Department.

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Your IMPACT Through Scholarships and Grants

Since its inception in 2018 ANZEF has awarded close to $700,000 in grants. In 2023, ANZEF grants totaling $260,000 included the following initiatives:

Enhancing Diabetic Retinopathy capacity in the Pacific (three- year funding for traveling orthoptist and educator Rosamond Gilden in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Funding Kāpō Māori Aotearoa (KMA) reps to attend the launch of RANZCO’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi Action Plan

Co-funding with the Australian Department of Health and Bayer Australia of three multi-year STP Cultural Learning and Outreach Pilots for RANZCO trainees in Victoria, the Northern Territory and Western Australia (Total $600,000)

Expansion of Scholarships and Awards – in twelve

months ANZEF awarded 75 scholarships totalling $75,000 to advance ophthalmic education in the Asia-Pacific and support learning and career development for First Nations doctors, medical students and VTP trainees in Australia and New Zealand.

Sponsoring Deadly Cup Carnival , a health promotion and rugby league initiative on Larrakia Country (Darwin)

AIDA cultural safety training for first-year RANZCO trainees

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Streamlined Granting Strategy and Inaugural ANZEF Grant Round In 2023, the Foundation revamped its granting strategy to manage funding requests more sustainably and effectively, with an annual call for grants. Its dedicated selection panel draws from the extensive ophthalmic care, education and research experience of RANZCO Fellows and associates. It includes First Nations, rural, remote and global health perspectives and expertise, to ensure evidence-based decisions that are aligned with ANZEF’s mission. The projects selected in September 2023 through ANZEF’s first grant round reflect our core mission of promoting equitable access to eye care, innovation and sustainable solutions. An overwhelming response saw a combined $1.47M requested from diverse stakeholders leading innovation and advancements in vision care, including RANZCO members, international development organisations, healthcare workers and researchers for a wide range of equity-driven projects. Six grants totalling $185,000 were awarded across the region:

Sponsorship of Pacific Islands Participants for Microsurgical Skills Training: This project, led by A/Prof Graham Wilson, A/Prof Con Petsoglou and Dr Yves Kerdraon and administered by The University of Sydney, is opening doors for Pacific Island junior doctors to enhance eye care for their communities through specialised training in microsurgical skills.

“This call for grants has highlighted the vast scope of work being done in the region to contribute to improving equity and access in eye care. Their high calibre made clear how much opportunity there is for further investment. We’re thrilled and honoured to support these six selected projects that promise to deliver positive change for their communities.” — Paula Llavallol, Head of Foundation

Expansion of Support for Global Eye Health Workshop: With your support, this project led by Prof Mark Radford from Queensland Eye Institute, facilitates learning exchanges between RANZCO Fellows and colleagues from low-resource settings, offering enriching experiences and networking opportunities for ophthalmologists beyond Australia and New Zealand.

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Lions InReach Vision: Lions InReach Vision is dedicated to improving eye care for Indigenous Australians, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Perth’s Metropolitan Region. Led by Dr Marcel Nejatian and A/Prof Hessom Razavi from Lions Eye Institute, this project will extend the service to enhance accessibility and cultural sensitivity of care, offering a lifeline of improved eye health for vulnerable communities.

Mentoring workshop in Auckland for Māori and Pasifika future applicants to the Vocational Training Program Led by Dr Justin Mora, the RANZCO Māori and Pasifika Eye Health Committee has designed a workshop for Māori and Pasifika medical students and junior doctors considering a career in ophthalmology. Whakawhanaungatanga, the building of relationships within the group, is integral to the initiative.

Bad Sugars, Bad Eyes: A/Prof Angus Turner, from Lions Eye Institute, is leading a culturally appropriate diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening campaign in the Kimberley. This project seeks to increase the level of knowledge of DR in the community and improve DR screening rates, thereby preserving vision and reducing disparities in visual health outcomes.

Western Murrumbidgee LHD Indigenous Eye Care Project: This project, led by A/Prof Geoffrey Painter, Dr Dominic McCall, and Mrs Kerrie Legg from Foresight Australia, focuses on addressing disparities by offering eye care screening and access to ophthalmic services in the Western Murrumbidgee region, with the purpose of improving access to quality eye care for Indigenous Australians in the area.

Read more about these successful projects and the changemakers behind them here

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Spotlight on our SUPPORTERS

ANZEF celebrates the generosity of our donors, with notable contributions from RANZCO Members, appreciative patients, community fundraisers and philanthropists.

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Supporting Future First Nations Ophthalmologists f Mr Ron Finemore AO’s donation on behalf of the Finemore Family established the ANZEF Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarships for VTP Trainees f ANZEF Patron Mrs Roslyn Packer AC made a significant donation to First Nations ophthalmology scholarships f A three-year commitment from the Yarranabbe Foundation established the Yarranabbe ANZEF extends huge gratitude to our RANZCO Fellows who generously contribute $250 annually to the Foundation when paying their membership invoice. These donations are a cost-effective way to ensure we can sustainably fund an annual grant round and provide crucial ongoing support for eye health initiatives led by fellow ophthalmologists, healthcare, research and advocacy professionals, ensuring we can continue this important and life-changing work. Industry Partners Foundation-ANZEF Indigenous Award in Ophthalmology at UNSW. RANZCO Fellows’ Annual Membership Contribution Continued support from Establishment Partners, Bayer Australia and Novartis led to great outcomes this year. Novartis sponsored AIDA Cultural Safety training for 100 trainees, while Bayer Australia enabled multiple ANZEF grants, supporting First Nations scholarships, cultural learning and outreach pilots, and advocacy campaigns. Fundraising Trek After RANZCO’s 2023 Congress in Perth, RANZCO members, partners, friends and colleagues joined forces to raise funds and awareness for ANZEF while walking along the spectacular Cape to Cape Track in WA’s Margaret River Region. Funds raised will be shared across the priority areas in the Pacific region, as well as First Nations workforce development and eye health. Working Together for a Brighter Future The amazing response to our inaugural grant round has demonstrated the huge need for funding, and the tremendous opportunities that exist. ANZEF is committed to increasing its capacity to grow and sustain granting in order to amplify our impact and make a meaningful contribution to eye health outcomes in our region. Your continuing support means we are able to continue to fund the projects and scholarships that demonstrate outcomes and strategic benefits for their beneficiaries, create new partnerships and sustain and build on existing ones across eye health and philanthropy. We will also build on knowledge and outcomes, increasing our reach and capacity to address unmet needs. Our results will serve to advocate for ongoing funding and special projects that can make a difference. Exciting discussions are currently underway with Dr Tim Henderson in Alice Springs and the Fred Hollows Foundation about ambitious plans to establish a regional ophthalmology centre in Central Australia. Please get in touch with Paula Llavallol if you are interested in directly supporting these projects. E: P: +61 404 353 068

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“I would like to thank ANZEF for your support to attend RANZCO this year. It was a brilliant idea to bring ophthalmologists from different parts of the world together for the Global Eye Health Workshop – especially the Pacific ophthalmologists presenting the challenges we are facing. Coming from Vanuatu, where there are only 2 ophthalmologists to look after 200,000 people and the islands are so scattered, is quite challenging. Most of the topics discussed were relevant to the situation I face in the eye clinic in Port Vila. I have learnt a great deal from my attendance and hope there will be more support for Pacific Island ophthalmologists to attend in the future.” — Dr Andronico Ly, Ophthalmologist, Vanuatu

"Thank you for the opportunity to attend the RANZCO conference. It was great, and the research I saw presented has given me much inspiration. The experience has confirmed for me how much I want to become an ophthalmologist. ANZEF's support has played a crucial role in shaping my career aspirations, and I am grateful for the encouragement and opportunities provided." — Shay-Lee Coulson, medical student

“The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Eye Health Conference was an invaluable opportunity to delve into the field of Indigenous Eye Care, particularly as a medical student with such limited exposure to ophthalmology. Connecting with other Indigenous medical students, interested in ophthalmology, was the highlight for me. It feels as though I’ve developed a support network and community of future colleagues and friends, and that’s incredibly comforting. I’m forever grateful for the support of ANZEF to attend this conference, I’ve come away with a beautiful sense of hope for the future of Indigenous eye care.” — Sorren Thomas, medical student

“I am incredibly grateful for the ongoing support I have received through RANZCO, AIDA, and ANZEF in my prevocational years. I am incredibly excited to commence training in 2024, incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and incredibly humbled by the amazing people I call my colleagues.” — Dr Thomas Mylne, RANZCO Vocational Training Program, 2024 cohort

“I am incredibly lucky to be part of a profession that is so meaningful and positive, surrounded by colleagues who do so much for their patients and junior peers. This generous scholarship really makes a large difference in reducing the impact of training costs on my progression. Improved healthcare outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are so clearly a mutual goal we share, and I would love to be more involved where possible to achieve this. I am immensely grateful for your support." — Dr Hannah Wood, RANZCO Vocational Training Program, 2022 cohort

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“Change requires the commitment of many... With RANZCO’s commitment to supporting those passionate about addressing these historical inequities in the pursuit of high quality eye care for all, as a junior in the early days of my career, I feel hopeful for the future of Indigenous eye care in Aotearoa New Zealand.” — Isaac Samuels trainee intern, who received a RANZCO First Nations Trevelyan-Smith Scholarship and ANZEF funding to attend RANZCO Congress in Perth 2023

“One of the things that really inspires me to be part of the ANZEF Sub-Committee is the focus on improving equity and access in eye health – especially regional access – and growing the Indigenous health workforce. These are both really important to increasing access to eye care for people that wouldn’t otherwise have it. Increasing an Indigenous health care workforce is sustainable because we know that this workforce will be there for years to come.” — Dr Kristin Bell FRANZCO – Cape to Cape Trek participant and member of ANZEF’s Program Selection and Grants Subcommittee

“I was really excited about the trek for two reasons. One, it looked like a beautiful part of the world. And secondly, because it was for a really good cause. I really support equitable healthcare. It’s essential to be an advocate for those who are not receiving appropriate healthcare, for those who don’t have voices, and to try and ensure that everyone has accessible, affordable, and high-standard healthcare. The trek gave us an opportunity to meet other people in eye health who care about equity, access, and improving the public health system. I found that really special. The simplicity of just taking one step at a time and being with like-minded people in nature is something I cherish.” — Dr Sarah Welch FRANZCO – Cape to Cape Trek participant

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Our Heartfelt Thanks

ANZEF Committee and Sub-committee members and staff at RANZCO Congress in Perth 2023

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ANZEF's achievements in 2023 were made possible by a growing community of donors, grant recipients, program partners, committee volunteers, RANZCO members, trainees and staff who share the belief that everyone deserves access to excellent eye care. With your continued support and engagement, ANZEF aims to shape the future of ophthalmology in the region, ensuring equitable access to quality eye care for all.

Acknowledgements: Photo acknowledgments: Save Sight Institute - Nicola Bailey, Lions Eye Institute, Foresight Australia, Deadly Cup Carnival, Rosamond Gilden, Hannah Wood, Isaac Samuels and RANZCO. Design and Layout: Francine Dutton

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ANZEF is the philanthropic arm of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) E:

P: +61 2 9690 1001 W:

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