ANZEF Impact Report 2023

“Change requires the commitment of many... With RANZCO’s commitment to supporting those passionate about addressing these historical inequities in the pursuit of high quality eye care for all, as a junior in the early days of my career, I feel hopeful for the future of Indigenous eye care in Aotearoa New Zealand.” — Isaac Samuels trainee intern, who received a RANZCO First Nations Trevelyan-Smith Scholarship and ANZEF funding to attend RANZCO Congress in Perth 2023

“One of the things that really inspires me to be part of the ANZEF Sub-Committee is the focus on improving equity and access in eye health – especially regional access – and growing the Indigenous health workforce. These are both really important to increasing access to eye care for people that wouldn’t otherwise have it. Increasing an Indigenous health care workforce is sustainable because we know that this workforce will be there for years to come.” — Dr Kristin Bell FRANZCO – Cape to Cape Trek participant and member of ANZEF’s Program Selection and Grants Subcommittee

“I was really excited about the trek for two reasons. One, it looked like a beautiful part of the world. And secondly, because it was for a really good cause. I really support equitable healthcare. It’s essential to be an advocate for those who are not receiving appropriate healthcare, for those who don’t have voices, and to try and ensure that everyone has accessible, affordable, and high-standard healthcare. The trek gave us an opportunity to meet other people in eye health who care about equity, access, and improving the public health system. I found that really special. The simplicity of just taking one step at a time and being with like-minded people in nature is something I cherish.” — Dr Sarah Welch FRANZCO – Cape to Cape Trek participant

ANZEF Impact Report 2023 - The Difference You Made - 11

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