ANZEF Impact Report 2023


Lions InReach Vision: Lions InReach Vision is dedicated to improving eye care for Indigenous Australians, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Perth’s Metropolitan Region. Led by Dr Marcel Nejatian and A/Prof Hessom Razavi from Lions Eye Institute, this project will extend the service to enhance accessibility and cultural sensitivity of care, offering a lifeline of improved eye health for vulnerable communities.

Mentoring workshop in Auckland for Māori and Pasifika future applicants to the Vocational Training Program Led by Dr Justin Mora, the RANZCO Māori and Pasifika Eye Health Committee has designed a workshop for Māori and Pasifika medical students and junior doctors considering a career in ophthalmology. Whakawhanaungatanga, the building of relationships within the group, is integral to the initiative.

Bad Sugars, Bad Eyes: A/Prof Angus Turner, from Lions Eye Institute, is leading a culturally appropriate diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening campaign in the Kimberley. This project seeks to increase the level of knowledge of DR in the community and improve DR screening rates, thereby preserving vision and reducing disparities in visual health outcomes.

Western Murrumbidgee LHD Indigenous Eye Care Project: This project, led by A/Prof Geoffrey Painter, Dr Dominic McCall, and Mrs Kerrie Legg from Foresight Australia, focuses on addressing disparities by offering eye care screening and access to ophthalmic services in the Western Murrumbidgee region, with the purpose of improving access to quality eye care for Indigenous Australians in the area.

Read more about these successful projects and the changemakers behind them here

ANZEF Impact Report 2023 - The Difference You Made - 7

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