King's Business - 1937-12

Fifteen cents a copy, $ 1.50 a year in U. S.

SpecialTime-LimitedOffer To February 1, 1938

m : JAPAN—AND PROPHECY Is Japan one of ‘‘the kings of the east” ■ mentioned in Scripture? , .*< r What part will these kings have in the conflict of ■Armageddon? . . . . Are there “amazing and terrible developments” now taking place? ' , H. A- IRONSID& answers in th& Jantt- LOUIS / w. \ ''' tt&ls bis ^BB^eusletTMl^ l pp c «*|b* ; FACING OLD CATHAY, AND . . WAR! Fearlessly returning to China only a few months ago, the Treasurer of the Hunan Bible Institute wrote: "Heavens above us are black with war clouds. But never since the days of Robert Moirison have there been such opportunities for preach­ ing the gospel in China.” What does China need most? .¿'V: '^K\ wJ*e\ afil § p p ll y 1 i h ' ti^»>MPaiciIIIcs| Ud<^} . EXPECTATION—FOR 1938 What is it to be “positive, aggressive, and divinely ambitious” ? IliiilllllBllMIBj NORTHCOTE DECK, missionary « ta t» - y ^ ' ***&&» the '■gttb.Je^lfc in 4t\ prt** g||* * $ J& ' |p* pf, / PRAISE FOR PAIN Intimate letters from a dear saint of God who has had twenty years of suffering— with seven major operations—but who has learned to tread joyfully “this bright­ ening path of pain.” Other sufferers will ‘ rejoice in her

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“The King’s Business” YOURBUSINESS

Paul W. Rood Editorials

Louis S. Bauman Prophetic Articles

out an evangelical publication. More th an 12,000 copies are given aw ay each month, no t only by th e publishers, and by th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles (fo r which it is th e official o rg an ), b u t also by a veritable arm y of earn est Christians who use th is magazine as a convenient and inexpensive w ay fo r plac­ ing twelve monthly gospel messages in th e hands and h e a rts of those whom they desire to reach w ith a sp iritu al message. N early 30,000 Christians from tim e to tim e have availed themselves of the a t­ tractiv e club offers of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. Under th is convenient plan, you can enroll a group of friends fo r half the usual subscription price (or less, in groups of te n ); or, should you so de­ sire, you may by m erely showing the magazine in your immediate circle, and by collecting th e reg u la r annual sub­ scription price of $1.50, earn a sub stan ­ tia l sum fo r the Christm as holidays. Study th e simple subscription offer on the opposite page. Send fo r samples and o ther supplies. Or, b e tte r still, mail us a lis t of th e friends to whom you would like to have us send sample copies. Of course, if you desire subscriptions fo r

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Martha S. Hooker Junior Pages

B. B. Sutcliffe Lesson Exposition

Mary 6 . Goodner C. E. Notes

Alva J. McClain Points for Teachers

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Ransom D. Marvin Artist

Gretchen Sibley Blackboard Lessons

Alan S. Pearce Illustrations



Helen Galley Children's Lessons

Myrtle E. Scott Girls' Problems

Elmer L. Wilder Object Lessons


December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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THAT COUNTS TO FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. The King's Business, arriving month by month during a whole year, is^©ne of the most delightful and useful Christmas gifts that can be imagined. It is especially adapted to the young, with its Sunday-school lessons. Junior King’s Business, articles on Child Evan­ gelism, and other features. For the older members of the family, this magazine’s feature articles, daily de­ votional readings, book reviews, and_ other departments make it a .welcome visitor. If you desire, we will send a gift card in your name a few days before Christmas with each subscription beginning cm Jan­ uary 1. • TO CHRISTIAN WORKERS. Pas­ tors, missionaries, Sunday-school teachers, and Christian workers^ in home and for­ eign mission fields, will be ever grateful to you for a remembrance in the form of a subscription to The King’s Business!. Price in clubs of three to nine!, 75 cents each; in clubs of ten, or more, 70 cents each. For Canadian and foreign subscrip­ tions, 25 cents extra for postage. 9 FOR THE KING'S B U S I N E S S FREE FUND. Continually we receive earnest appeals from all over the world from Christians who ask to be placed upon our mailing list to receive The King’s Business because they have found it invaluable to their life ana work. Should you not have the addresses of those you would favor, a remittance at the above rates will enable us to respond favorably to such appeals as these. . • FOR THE REGIONS BEYOND. The King’s Business has readers or or­ ganizers m six out of seven towns and cities ip the United States having a pop­ ulation of 4,000 souls or more, besides other thousands of active friends in small­ er communities. There are 348 towns, however, in the 4,000 class in which we are not repre­ sented, and we are_ very eager to have readers and senders in each of these com­ munities, and thus maintain a national witness. Upon request we will send you a list of the towns in your state lacking “King's Business” representatives, and If you have friends in them, we would sin­ cerely appreciate your assistance in secur­ ing clubs of readers or individual sub­ scribers in these communities. ^Perhaps you would like to form a “re­ gions beyond” club in your Own or neigh­ boring states. • FOR SAMPLE COPY LISTS: Per­ haps you would prefer to use the blank at the left of this column for sample copies. If so, fill in the names and ad­ dresses and place an “X” opposite this paragraph. We then will send sample copies to the names that you supply Os. • INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING: After you have filled out the form at the top and the names on the attached( list, please cut out the page and send it to us with your remittance, or if for example copies, without remittance. Kindly check the appropriate paragraph and indicate, if convenient, which group of King's Business readers you are favor­ ing. * Please answer also the following ques­ tion: Are Christmas gift announcement cards desired—yes or .no? THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

“ I Never GoTo SleepUntil I PrayForYou”

SheSrhleTamil#Sitatine Motto: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —R ev . 1 :5.

So a brother in the Lord wrote us re­ cently. And he added, "I love the little messages you mail me (The Chosen People). They are a means of grace to me." And another dear brother said to us personally, "During the last ten years, I have never failed to remember you by name in prayer, twice a day!" And we replied, "N o wonder the Lord has so wonderfully blessed the testimony of this Mission, so that its lines have gone literally around the world. When He sur­ rounds us with such a host of friends who labor and pray, and sacrifice, it means only one thing— -that Israel's salvation is very precious in His sight." We thought also of the exhortation of Isaiah 62:6-7: And we feel we must invite, and even urge, many, many more of His faithful followers to ¡oin the blessed host who are "taking no rest and giving God no rest," in Israel's behalf. There is a special bless­ ing to those who bless the seed of Abra­ ham. Will you put Him to this test just once? It is again the Christmas season. Do you know any better way to bring gifts to the Babe of Bethlehem than to help bring the good news and a bit of Christ's sym­ pathy to those of His own flesh and blood? The assurance is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren (Jews) ye have done it unto mel" Matt. 25:40. “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, And give Him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”


December, 1937

Number 12

TABLE OF CONTENTS Christmas Joy on the Wings of Song— J. B. Trowbridge Around the King’s Table— Paul- W. Rood . . The Christ of Christmas —Herbert Lockyer . . A Mother’s Soliloquy at Christmastide —Esther W. Turner . . 472 In Business to Serve Christ ...........................................................473 Rings and Bells —Evelyn McFarlane McClusky . . . . 474 Jinsaburo Lifts His Cross— Opal Leonore Gibbs . . . . 476 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker . . . . . 477 World’s Christian Fundamentals Association . . . . . 479 Evangelistic N o t i c e s .................................................... 479 International Lesson Commentary.......................... ...... . . 480 Notes on Christian Endeavor-—Mary G. Goodner . . . . 492 Daily Devotional Readings................................................................ 499 Bible Institute Family C i r c l e .......................................................... 510 Our Literature T a b l e ................................................... . . 511 . . 468 . . . 469 . . . 470



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representative. Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadel­ phia, Pa., or 833 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, UL Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility far loss or damage te manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

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American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 81 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Yes, 1 wish to be counted a remembrancer of the Lord’s people. Here is $................... as a bit of fellowship with you in His work. With it go my prayers and love for Israel.

POLICY (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and Its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (e) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work, and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. THE 558 South Hope Street KING’S BUSINESS Los Angeles, California

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December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Christmas Joy on the Wings of Song By J. B. TROWBRIDGE* Los Angeles, California

“O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend on us, we pray; Cast out our sin, and en ter in ; Be bo rn in us today. W e h ear th e Christm as angels T h e g reat glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide w ith us, O u r Lord Emmanuel.” The Christmas Hymn While th e W ord of God does not specify th a t the multitude of the heavenly ho st sang as they praised God on th e night of Christ’s b irth (Lk. 2:13), it may very well be th a t th eir message was th e first great carol— which is really a hymn. In ­ spired by these words, many poets have been led to elaborate this tru th in th e ir own language. F o r instance, Charles Wesley, “the sweet singer of Methodism ,” w rote in th e eighteenth century: “H ark ! the herald angels, sing, ‘Glory to the new -born K ing; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled.’ ” This hymn may be called a “glori­ fied Christmas carol,” possessing as it does the lilting, happy movement of a carol w ith its rhythm ic swing, y et m aintaining th e deep spiritual and Scriptural content th a t charac­ terizes a hymn of the highest rank. In th is selection, the lyric element is outstanding—a quality th a t every good hymn m ust have in a high de­ gree. A hymn is made to be sung. A didactic poem may be set to music, but lacking the lyric fire, it usually does n o t go beyond the first edition, if indeed it goes th a t far. Dr. T o rrey once remarked in look­ ing over a poem subm itted as a hym n: “T h a t’s a good poem, but why sing it?” I t is n o t enough to say of a hymn, “ I t may be sung,” bu t ra th e r th a t “I t m ust be sung” in o rd er to reveal its real worth. The tru e lyric, such as “H ark! the H erald Angels Sing,” carries the singer o r the listener to far g reater heights em otionally and spiritually when sung th an when merely read. The m ost fam iliar of our Christ­ mas hymns—one th a t is always joy ­ ful, stirring, and worshipful in its spirit—is “Joy to the W orld! the L o rd I s Come,” a paraphrase of P salm 98 by Isaac W atts. This hymn was published in W a tts’ epoch-making book (1719), Psalms o f David Im itated in the Language o f the New Testament —the book th a t made H ym ns out of Psalms. The tune “Antioch” is an old p atri­

arch am ong metrical tunes, being about th e only fugue found w ork­ ing successfully in m odern hymn books. I t is by H andel and is th e blending of tw o themes from his Messiah, th e solo, “Com fort Ye,” and the chorus, “L ift Up Your Heads.” The Christmas Oratorio Unquestionably, th e m ost com­ prehensive, Scriptural, and thrilling medium^ fo r expressing th e Christ­ mas spirit is found in H andel’s Messiah. T he scope of this great work goes beyond th e N ativity, and deals w ith th e notable sequence of events in th e life of ou r Lord—not only bringing to a reality th e stu ­ pendous fact of the Incarnation, but leading also to Calvary, resu rrec­ tion, and glorification. W e hear th e voice of th e teno r singing th e w ords of Isaiah 40:1-4: “Com fort ye my people,” and “Every valley shall be exalted,” th e chorus singing the message of the n ex t verse of th is chapter, “And the glory of th e L o rd shall be revealed, . . . fo r the m outh of th e L o rd hath spoken it,” and th e chorus again, using Isaiah 9:6: “F o r unto us a child is born.” F rom the Bethlehem manger, where we bow in adora­ tion, we are led on into the various scenes of Christ’s life on earth, to view H is hum iliation, to see H im rejected, spat upon, suffering the agonies of Calvary fo r us. W e stand in amazed wonder before the em pty tom b and hear those won­ derful w ords from Job 19, sung by th e soprano: “I know th a t my Re­ deemer liveth.” W e take our place w ith H im as, on th a t fortieth day after H is resurrection, H e led H is disciples out to Bethany. W e see H im taken up o u t of men’s sight, and by faith behold H im now seated “on th e rig h t hand of th e M ajesty on high.” T hen we h ear those glo­ rious climax choruses, “Hallelujah! fo r th e L o rd God omnipotent reign- eth!” (Rev. 19:6), and “W o rth y is th e Lamb th a t was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by his blood, to receive power, and riches, wis­ dom and streng th , and honor, and glory, and blessing” (cf. Rev. 5:12). As we contemplate th is future consummation, we kneel in rever­ ence before the M anger-Throne, thanking God fo r H is infinite Gift, and singing in glad invitation: “O come to my heart, Lord Jesus; T here is room in my h eart for Thee.”

By Ewing Galloway, N. T.

C OM B IN ING joy w ith wonder, awe, and reverence, the music of Christmas provides a me­ dium th rough which we may express our gratitude to God for th a t holy event, th e b irth of the Saviour, which ushered in a new. epoch in God’s divine program . Christmas music ranges from the bright, happy, folk-song _ carol to th e g reat hymns w ith th eir broader form and deeper meaning, and to the dignified, Scriptural oratorio. The Christmas Carol One of th e oldest carols is “Noel” (o r “Nowell”), probably of F rench origin, a fascinating narrative cov­ ering several of the Nativity stories w ith a tune of th e folk-song type, and a stirring chorus: “Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is th e K ing of Israel.” A nother w ithout which Christmas would be incomplete is th a t sweet German song, “Silent N ight, Holy N ight,” w ritten in 1818 by Joseph Mohr, a m inister of Oberdorf. The tune is by F ranz Gruber, who was his organist. These men were close friends, and on Christmas Eve the w riter presented the poem to his organist as a gift, and th e result was th is happy combination. Our own American carol, “O L it­ tle Town of Bethlehem ,” w ritten by the beloved Phillips Brooks, prince among preachers, is being greatly used. T he poem was composed in 1867 while th e author was m editat­ ing upon a visit to Bethlehem which he had taken at Christmas tim e two y ears previous. T ruly, “wherever th e gospel of Christ has gone on the w ings of song, w herever the festival of the Christ-Child is ob­ served, th e re is Phillips B rooks re­ membered, th ere h earts are lifted on th e w ings of his deathless words in praise of ‘Our Lord Emmanuel.’ ” *Member of the music faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Around the King's Table By PAUL W. ROOD

“The Son o f Man Is Come” W ITH the approach of the Christmas season, the Christian minister faces a wonderful opportunity to preach the gospel. That gospel should be his theme throughout the year, but there are people who will come to church at Christmas who do not attend services at any other time. What a challenge is presented to the preacher to make the most of this occasion! Texts that deal with the Incarnation lend themselves to evangelistic treatment. The prophecies in the Old Testament concern­ ing the birth of Christ, and the record in the New Testament bearing upon the ful­ fillment of those prophecies, all can be used effectively for gospel sermons. Our brethren in the ministry may feel led to deal with the subject of “The Incarnation of Christ” on the basis of Luke 19:10: “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” For those who would meditate upon the stupendous truth which this brief text contains, the following sim­ ple outline may be useful. The Necessity of the Incarnation: Man is “lost.” A sinner by nature and by practice, man has no hope within himself. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way” (Isa. 53:6). Sheep, unlike other animals when they are lost, cannot find their way home unaided. Likewise man is utterly unable to return to God apart from the Saviour, for Christ Himself said: “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). The Fact of the Incarnation: “The Son of man is come.” No intelligent person denies the his­ toricity of Jesus. The life of no other in­ dividual has affected so profoundly the whole course of human affairs as has the advent of Jesus, the Son of God. The Method of the Incarnation: “The Son of man.” Born of a virgin, the One who is ever “very God of very God” received a human body in order that He might thus identify Himself with the human race and become its Saviour. He “took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: . . . and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:7, 8). In the Lord Jesus Christ, “God was manifest in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16). The Purpose of the Incarnation: “To seek and to save.” Christ came to be our Redeemer—and this purpose required His death on our be­ half. He is the only One who ever came to this world for the express purpose of dying. “Christ . . . suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us

prison. When he was released in October, he received orders from the Communist headquarters to go to Salinas, but he de­ cided to come to Los Angeles instead. He was tired of the old life. On Monday, October 18, as John was walking down Hope Street, he saw the sign, “JESUS SAVES,” on top of the Bible Institute. In letters seven feet high, this simple sign, glowing at night with neon lighting, steadily proclaims to passers-by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer is often made in the Institute circle that God may use this testimony to draw lost men and women to the Saviour. Arrested by the words of the sign, John made his way to the building, came into my office, and poured out his story. In His grace, the Lord had been pre­ paring for this contact, both from outside and from within the walls of Biola. Throughout that day the prayer of the psalmist in Psalm 86:17, “Show me a token for good,” had been on my heart. I found myself uttering this prayer repeatedly. And here was a Communist agitator in my office! The Spirit of God had created in this man’s heart a hunger for peace and had directed him to me. It was indeed a God-given opportunity. The Lord was showing me a token for good. It was my privilege to turn this spiritually hungry one to the third chapter of John and to explain the necessity of the new birth and show him how he could be born again. After I had quoted several passages of Scripture and had explained the plan of salvation, we knelt together in prayer, and John ac­ cepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour. He expressed an eager willingness to work just as hard for the Lord from then on as he had been working for the devil. He promised to read the Gospel of John and to pray and to testify for Christ. Wednesday evening, he came back to the office and asked the question, “Do I look different? I feel different and I am dif­ ferent and I am going through with Jesus.” Yes, he was a changed man, and his very appearance was changed. His sins were forgiven and his soul was saved and he was a child of God. New problems were his—serious ones—but now they could be faced in the power of the indwelling Saviour. He told me about the experience he had had in the Fishermen’s Club on Monday evening. “The men I used to associate with met in dark rooms with a watchman at the door. We hated God, the church, and so­ ciety. We were out to tear down. We were unhappy. In the Fishermen’s Club, [Continued on page 508]

to God” (1 Pet. 3:18). His death was an atoning death, and the lengthening shadows of the cross appear even at Bethlehem. As we meditate upon the great truth of the Incarnation, two facts impress them­ selves upon our minds. First, Christ would use His followers as witnesses to tell out the story of His redeeming love (Acts 1:8). And second, the lost soul—whoever or wherever he may be—may be saved by looking to the Lamb of God and accepting Him as personal Saviour. No one will be cast out who comes to Him in faith, for­ saking sin, for He has said: “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Shall we not come, just as we are, and come now! A Communist Finds That “Jesus Saves” Six years ago John was a waiter in a large hotel in San Francisco. One of his fellow employees was a Communist, and he induced John to enter a Communist school where he spent a year preparing himself for his future work as an agitator. He then was sent to various communities to foment trouble. He joined three secret societies, at the instigation of the Commun­ ist headquarters, and, his dues were paid out of the Communist funds. His work was to bore from within these organizations. While John was in Modesto, California, to stir up trouble among the fruit pickers, he was arrested and was sent to a Federal


Reuben Archer Torrey • The Third Annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference is scheduled to meet at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from January 23 to 30, 1938, with the following among the speakers planned: H. A. Ironside, Chicago, III.; Mark Matthews, Seattle, Wash., and J. Oliver Buswell, Wheaton, III. There will be prophetic subjects in the evenings and Bible lectures at the day sessions.

December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“My Christ, He is the Heaven of Heavens; My Christ, what shall I call? My Christ is first, my Christ is last; My Christ is all in all.” It will be remembered that Peter received a divine revelation of Jesus as the Christ: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16). This blessed name is associated also with the believer, for he is known as a “Christian,” that is, “Christ-ian,” an anointed one. May the Holy Spirit make us, as Christ’s, more Christlike. Lord “A Saviour,

J lS THE titles given to the Saviour r i in the two birth-narratives express the wonder of the Child who was born that He might die for our salvation, let us gather these titles together. Let us reverently consider these names, that at this season our hearts may magnify the Christ who made Christmas possible. Of course, it will be conceded that, al­ though we may be able to explain the sig­ nificance of the names given to Mary’s Holy Child, the mind of man could never pos­ sibly unfold the overwhelming mystery of the incarnation. Our Lord’s names, how­ ever, are like the ointment of the Taber­ nacle, compounded of several spices. Here they are for our adoring hearts to meditate upon: Jesus "Thou shall call his name J esus ” (M att. 1:16, 21, 25). This name, being the first to be used in the New Testament, likewise ends the same (Matt. 1:1; Rev. 22:21). The benediction, closing the Book of Revelation, contains our Lord’s triad of outstanding designations. “Jesus,” a common Jewish name at the time of Christ’s birth, stands out as the title of His humanity and humiliation. It means “Jehovah, the Saviour,” and it is therefore His human name connecting Him with the work of salvation. This fact is made clear in the message of the angel of the Lord to Joseph: “Thou shalt call his name J esus :

for he shall save his people from their sins.” It will be noted that He has power to save “his people” from “their sins.” Thus He is the Saviour of saints as well as of sinners. His people have a good many sins to be saved from, and it is encouraging to know that He is “the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe” (1 Tim. +:10). Yes, and no other name has en­ deared Him to our hearts, and is enshrined in so many Christ-honoring hymns, as this one by which Mary called her Child. Christ “Jesus, ‘who is called Christ” (Matt. 1:16; 27:22, R. V.). From "Christos,” meaning “Anointed,” we have in this designation our Lord’s offi­ cial name, and one connecting Him with the Old Testament dispensation, seeing that He came as the Fulfiller of prophecy. As an Old Testament term, the name before us was applied to those anointed with holy oil. At His baptism, Jesus was anointed for His threefold office and officially became the Christ. Later on, the apostles used “Christ” as the name of a changed position, seeing that He had been raised from the dead and ex­ alted in glory. Yes, “Christ is a Prophet, Priest, and King; A Prophet full of light, A Priest that stands ’twixt God and man, A King that rules with might.

December, 1937

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same Jesus . . . both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). As a “Saviour,” He is able to deliver from all evil, and to endow the delivered with all good. It is essential to note that He was born a Saviour. Emmanuel "They shall call his name Emmanuel, vihich being interpreted is, God viith us” (M att 1:23). This precious name reveals the further and fuller purpose of 'God. In His good­ ness He delights to tabernacle among men. In the Old Testament, He has a taber­ nacle for His people—now He has His people as a tabernacle. In fact, Scripture can be generally summarized thus: In the Old Testament, it is God for us; in the Gospels, God viith us; in the Epistles, God in us. The latter, being the ideal, con­ tains all that the first two aspects hold. “Emmanuel” ! Truly this is a revelation of His character we can cling to in the dark and difiicult hours of life. Because He has promised never to leave us, we can count upon His abiding companionship. He is the Daysman between, laying His hand upon God and man, thereby making them one. As God, He came from heaven bringing God to man. As the Glorified Man, He went back from earth to heaven, reconciling man to God, In Him the chasm is bridged between the Creator and the crea­ ture—between a thrice holy God and the lost sinner. “ ‘God with us’ in the world of sin, This life of weakness and of woe: His love, His power and His strength With us, wherever we may go. Since Jesus came to earth to dwell And be for aye, Emmanuel. “No weary days, no starless nights, No sorrow deep, no trials sore, But we can feel His presence near,' ‘God with us’ now and evermore, Since He hath come to earth to dwell Whose name is still Emmanuel.” King “Where is he that is born King of the Jew sf” (Matt. 2:2). What a striking phrase this is in the question of the wise men 1 Born K ing! No one of royal blood is born a king. A prince becomes a king upon the death of his father. But Jesus was born a King, implying that He was a King before He was born. The Babe of .Bethlehem was “the King eternal” (I Tim. 1:17). That Christ was a truer King than Herod, who sought the young Child’s life, is evi­ dent from the expressions used. When Herod is mentioned, the small “k” is em­ ployed. He was simply Herod the king. Jesus, however, has a capital “K,” and this is as it should be, for He is the King of kings. Strange insignia of royalty, however, awaited the King. His palace was a stable; His throne, a mother’s knee; His courtiers, the lowly shepherds; His robe, the swad­ dling^ clothes. Truly He was a Ring in disguise. May we be found among the

number who recognize and revere Him as King of the saints, and who yield unto Him the undivided sway He deserves and demands! The valiant knight said of Ar­ thur, “We never saw his like; there lives no greater leader.” But the glory of King Arthur pales into nothingness alongside of the richer glory of Christ our King. It is thus we sing: “Hail Jesus, King of my days and nights!” Governor "Out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule” (Matt. 2:6). While all the names before us are more or less associated with the Jews, they yet hold a larger application. Here for exam­ ple, as Governor, Jesus is to have power to rule His people Israel; but of the in­ crease of His government there is to be no end (Isa. 9:6, 7). The word used in Mat­ thew 2:6 for “Governor” means, “one who goes first, leads the way, chief in war” ; and Jesus has every right to lead the way, seeing that He triumphed gloriously in His war against sin and Satan. Yes, and as a “Governor” He is not a hard despot; He rules by love. Some gov­ ernors who rise from the ranks become un­ sympathetic and officious; not so the Lord Jesus, even although He Was our fellow. He sways our souls by His scars, not a sword. His sufferings give Him sovereign­ ty. Triumph is His because of the tree. And, if we would govern in life, we must go to a tree, for the death of self ever leads to a diadem. We triumph in life when we “lay in dust life’s glory, dead.” The Prophet Isaiah would have us re­ member that of the increase of Christ’s gov­ ernment there is to be no end. Universal dominion is to be His. There are to be no frontiers to His kingdom. But, can it be said that His government is increasing spiritually and personally? As He claims more territory this Christmastide, are we to tear down the barriers and let Him take possession? If we do, we can expect Satan to contest every inch of ground we yield to the all-conquering Christ.

Son Under this designation there are several aspects of Sonship, expressing manifold re­ lationships it is essential to classify. “Son of David" (Matt. 1:1). Kingship and royalty are prominent here. Jesus was of the Davidic line, and was born in the City of David. And, coming of the house and lineage of David, He was, as the Son of David, the Successor of David and Heir of all the promises granted to him (Lk. 1:32; 2:4). “Son of Abraham” (Matt. 1:1). Covenant relationship is here in view. At His wondrous birth, Christ laid hold of the seed of Abraham. “Her firstborn son” (Matt. 1:25). Nine times over, Jesus is referred to as “the young child.” Son of a woman, He was, but never the son of a man. As Mary’s Child, our Lord possessed actual humanity. And that He never forgot this relationship is seen in His tender solicitude concerning her future, as He said when He was about to die: “Behold thy son!” (John 19:26). Committing Mary to John’s care, He bade His favorite disciple treat her as a mother. “Out of Egypt have I called my sold’ (Matt. 2:15). As Mary’s Child, Christ was bom. As God’s Son, He was given. Deity is wrapped up in this filial term. And what sublime contrasts are associated with the Virgin Birth 1 He was the Son, yet the Everlasting Father; the Babe, yet the Ancient of Days; Jesus, the Son of Man, yet the Mighty God. We can link to this designation the kin­ dred one of “Son of the Highest” (Lk. 1:32), which is a theocratic title pointing to Him as the Anointed (cf. Psa. 2:7; 89:27). Incidentally, we have a most help­ ful combination of terms in Luke’s birth- narrative. For example, Jesus is the Son of the Highest—God is in the Highest—the Holy Spirit is the Power of the Highest— John the Baptist is the Prophet of the High­ est (Lk. 1:32, 35, 76; 2:14). “My Son” ! Divine, filial relationship, imposing the obligation of separation, is indicated by such an expression as this. And the remarkable thing is that God con­ descends to call us His sons: “Ye are sons” (Gal. 4:6). What a privilege! But, has He called us out of Egypt, typical as it is of the world and bondage? What un­ worthy children we are if we hanker after the fleshpots of Egypt! If the world has claimed us, this will be a truly happy Christmas if we come clean out of such an Egypt. Nazarene “He shall be called a Nazarene” (Matt. 2:23). To be called a Nazarene was to be de­ clared despicable. It was equivalent to shame and contempt. “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” was the significant query of one who knew that city. When Christ’s mangled form was stretched out upon the cross, His name was written above Him — “Jesus of Nazareth” (John 19:19). And a true Nazarene He was, [Continued on page 511]

Photo by Lionel Green "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow" .{Psa. 51:7).

December, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

A Mother's Soliloquy at Christmastide

By ESTHER W. TURNER Oakland, California

H ERE I am alone tonight, strange to say. Will is kept overtime at the office again—in the Christmas rush. I’m afraid he’s working too hard. Too bad he hasn’t more time with his family; he enjoys the children so much. Yes, it’s true, just as the lecturer said this afternoon— there’s no family life as there used to be. I suppose that’s one reason that parents should be more careful in planning their time. Some things that man said have dis­ turbed me. I must think them through. Per­ haps now is a good time while I ’m alone. I remember he spoke of the fourfold nature of the child—the physical, mental, social, and spiritual—and how it is the duty of parents to see that all sides of this nature are properly developed. He showed how the public school shares largely in the phy­ sical and mental development of the child, and how of late years it has attempted to direct social activities also. That troubles me, for I’m not sure I want the ideals of my children to be controlled by some of the individuals and groups in their school environment. But the speaker said the training of the

I suppose the parents’ part is to see that the children are led into certain situations and given such materials that their obser­ vation, ingenuity, and imagination are all brought into play. In that task their grand­ mother is a real asset, for she is tremen­ dously interested in all that concerns their growth. How I thank God for my wonder­ ful mother! With the exception of their contacts at school, the social life of the little family has been left to us almost entirely. But I can see that several problems are appear- ing—-companions, amusements, the play­ ground, and even our own family relation­ ships. If I am to direct the children in all this, I must be a watchful, fair-minded, and participating mother. The speaker stressed the thought of enjoying our chil­ dren. He said it would pay parents big dividends if we would make home the most attractive place on earth for our boys and girls. How should we go about to do that, I wonder. What constitutes a truly attrac­ tive home frbm the child’s viewpoint? Christian Teaching in the Home The thing that disturbed me most about

the public school, and over ninety -per cent under home influence. In our case, that means the responsibility is mostly mine, for during their waking hours I am with the children ten times more than Will is. It looks as if I shall have to analyze myself and see whether I am directing the lives of our three children as I should. Eight, six, and four years old—they’re at a most impressionable period. They have strong bodies, all of them. I try to give them proper food at right times. With the help of reliable books and magazines, and with the advice of our school counselor, I manage to keep them in a fair degree of health. Guiding in the Child's Development Now what about their mental develop­ ment? Jean , and Billy are learning fast at school, and they both like to go. But surely there is more to real mental growth than that. The speaker today said that a child learns more in the first two years of its life than at any other period. I believe that’s true, for although Junior is four, it amazes me eyery day to see how quickly he learns. What a little investigator he is!

How can we plan for a reverent observance of Sunday which will really please the children? Our boys and girls have each accepted Christ person­ ally as Saviour, but they be­ have shockingly at times; what shall we do? If these are your questions, or if you have others of a similar nature which you would care to express, please write to Mrs. Norman F. Tur­ ner, in care of THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., and mention also whether you would like to see in THE KING’S BUSINESS a new de­ partment, the Christian Par­ ents’ Fellowship, in which the problems of parents and chil­ dren may be freely discussed. that lecture today was what was said about the sad failure of Christian parents to give their children Christian teaching at home. So many are saying, “Yes, I send my children to Sunday-school,” thinking that is enough, or else easing their conscience in that way. (I’ve [Continued on page 473]

Mothers of boys and girls like the two in the accom­ panying picture may wish to ask Mrs. Turner, who is edi­ tor of “The Graphic Guide,” such questions as these: When will Junior be old enough to understand Bible truth? Shall we just “tell him Bible stories,” or is there something else we must do? We want to establish a daily worship period in our home that will be a spiritual help to every member of the family, and yet be within the understanding of each one; can you give us any workable suggestions ? How can we help our chil­ dren to get the most from their own Bible reading? Photograph by Pacific Photo Studio spiritual nature is left almost entirely to the home and the church. That big chart he ex­ hibited, indicating the waking hours of a child from birth to maturity, made us mothers think, I know. My! Only one per cent of the child’s time is under church influence, while seven per cent is under the influence of


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1937

said that myself!) But the speaker pointed out that in comparison with the amount of teaching which is needed, the amount that is given in the home is like, a drop in the bucket. That hit me hard, for I fear it fitted me. That verse he quoted took on new meaning when he substituted the word “babe” for “child.” It was from Paul’s Epistle to Timothy, I think, that he was quoting: “From a babe thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” No wonder Tim­ othy turned out to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ if he had early training like that! I’ve neglected teaching these babes of mine; I know I have. Wilt Thou forgive me, my Father? I will take time for this most important of all duties. Am I too late already? How shall I begin? What is the “milk of the Word” we read about? How can I teach the children unless I learn more myself? The youngsters would be delighted to have us both go to Sunday-school with them. We usually go to church, of course. But I don’t go to Sunday-school because I’m just too worn out when Sunday comes. And Will says he is, too. But I can see that if we don’t lay aside our excuses and exert ourselves for our children’s sake, we will have no one but ourselves to blame, if, by and by, they are able to get along very nicely without our guidance! I’ll put the question up to Will tonight. Making the Program Fascinating And the daily teaching in the home— how the lecturer stressed th a t! “Make it the most looked-for period of the day,” he said, “a time of fellowship, devotion, in­ spiration, and education.” If ever I felt in­ adequate, it was when he said that. But when he said it, something stirred within me—a determination to begin anew. I promised my heavenly Father that as He enabled me, I would undertake to do that very thing. I want, above all else, to have our home truly Christian. There were other Christian mothers who heard that lecture this afternoon. Some of them were surely stirred as I was. We ought to compare notes and problems. Our pastor probably could recommend books and other literature that will show us how to feed these lambs of ours. But I must not lean upon the help of any individual, though I will avail myself of every pos­ sible aid. My confidence must be in Thee, my Father, and I must search Thy Word for wisdom to meet my particular need. My Father, here I am, a mother to whom Thou hast committed the greatest of all tasks. I know I have not been faithful in the past. I have failed Thee. But Thou bast shown me that it is not enough to tell my darlings the Bethlehem story when Christmas comes. But in our home, Will and I must teach them day by day the whole glorious truth about the Saviour’s coming, and dying, and living again for us. With the help that Thou alone canst give, I am determined to be as faithful each day in providing food for the souls of my chil­ dren as I am in providing food for their bodies. Amen.

W HEN customers enter the Biola Book Room, “the headquarters of fundamental literature” in the Bible Institute building, they receive much more than they are asked to pay for in cash. Many of these visitors take with them, as they leave the store, a large stock of encouragement and of practical sugges­ tions—all of which is of greater value to them than any object they might buy. Moreover, not infrequently men and women come to the Book Room in deep perplexity of soul. They Seem to feel less hesitancy in asking for a book from a smil­ ing clerk than they would feel in searching out a minister to whom they could speak their'trouble. But what they really want— whether they realize it or not—is Light in the Word, and the salespeople at the Biola Book Room are often able to lead the seeker to just the help that is needed. Late one afternoon, there came into the store a man past middle age, thin, greyed, and loquacious. He did not come to buy books; he came to ask a favor. As he be­ gan to tell his story, he unconsciously re­ vealed a sad misconception of the plan of salvation. The salesperson to whom he spoke listened attentively, and with prayer­ ful tact turned the conversation to a con­ sideration of the man’s personal need of the Saviour. The two men read together from the Word of God—chosen portions that em­ braced the gospel. It was not long until the inquirer, quieted and thoughtful, ex­ claimed: “I’m going home to do something that I never thought of doing when I came in here. I ’m going to kneel down with my wife and give my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. And I believe she’ll do that, too.” Conversations of this kind are not counted among the approximate 150 floor sales a day, yet they are probably the most highly valuable contacts that are made. The Biola Book Room is “in business to serve” because this is the objective of its owner and manager, C. H. Andrew. For over thirty-five years, Mr. Andrew has been in the book business, for thirty years being associated with one of the largest secular book stores in Los Angeles. Sharing this present ambition with him a re , Mr. An­

drew’s three gifted children—two daughters and a son Charles E. (“Ted” )—who, with his brother E. E. Andrew, work with him in the store. “People expect you to know everything!” “Ted” Andrew, his father’s energetic assist­ ant, said smilingly, as a friend talked with him about the Book Room. “And it’s a good thing that much is required of us, for it keeps us observing and studying—and that’s good for us young folk. My sister Alice makes a careful study of all the lit­ erature received for use among young peo­ ple, and of all the fiction that we offer for sale. Not long ago, a representative of a County Probation Department came in to purchase six or eight good Christian novels to give to girls under her charge, and she returned a few weeks later to say that the books were exactly what she had wished, for they were exerting an excellent influence over the girls. My sister Margaret is oc­ cupied most of the time with secretarial duties, for a large portion of our orders are filled by mail. “We sell more Bibles and Scripture por­ tions than any other books—an average of 2,600 pieces a month. Frequently we have orders for copies in Spanish, French, Swed­ ish, and German. One customer in Hawaii orders Gospels in lots of one thousand, for distribution through missionaries there. • “Our stock of books includes over 27,- 000 volumes, and we are continually in­ creasing it. We try to limit ourselves strictly to literature which strengthens faith in the Word of God.” Sunday-school teachers and young peo­ ple’s workers continually appeal to the Biola Book Room for help. One of the most popular arrangements of Bible facts is the “Wonder Book of Bible Knowledge,” an attractively illustrated thirty-two-page book­ let that will be a help to pupil and teacher alike. To acquaint new friends with the Biola Book Room, Mr. Andrew will send a copy of this valuable little booklet free to any person who asks for it, provided the request is received before December 15, 1937, and three cents postage is enclosed. Address: Biola Book Room, 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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